Among UsGamingMods

GIANTS mod for Among Us [REVIEW]

The fun that has generated us Among Us It is huge, and by the way, speaking of dimensions now we have for you the GIANTS Mod for Among Us.

It is a new Mod created by the Twitter user MJDerp, a big fan of this fantastic game with which you will surely have a lot of fun as it offers you another vision of the game. It is literally a Mod that is quite visually intrusive, since the characters are gigantic.

If you like this mod we also recommend the Mod mini crew for Among Us so you have both versions.

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The GIANTS Mod that we have this time is free, and in fact despite being very simple it is one of the most fun you can play. It is easy to download and install so you should not have any problems when obtaining it.

As for the development of each game, we can tell you that it is the same as the original version. No element is altered other than the size of the players.

You can see how you become a giant that is bigger than the tables in the lobby of the ship. To such an extent that it barely enters the doors of each part of the ship.

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GIANTS mod for Among Us

This is one of the easiest Mods to install. Before downloading this version of giants remember to delete any other that you have installed.

Now we leave you a guide to start playing this Mod.

Giants mod easy guide to Among Us (holy mod)

Direct download from holymod Among us Giants

Once you have the GIGANTES Mod to Among Us you should find it in your saved files and open it.

Now you must install the Mod from the icon that is shown inside the folder and the installation will start quickly. This is a process that will take just a few seconds and then the game will open so you can try this Mod.

Learn: Mod ALL INVISIBLES for Among us

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Before trying it, we also invite you to join our Discord community.

Where you can find the latest mods as well as being able to play them with the other members who may also like this Mod of giants for Among Us, they can play it with voice chat.

As you can see it is a simple process but the fun, like its title, will be huge and we hope you will try it.

This adds a bit of difficulty since you will be in view of everyone just like the rest of the players.

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