Social MediaTechnology

What is Shadowban on FACEBOOK and how to avoid it

What is shadowban on Facebook?

El shadow ban on Facebook it is nothing more than the short range that your publications manage to have on this social network. That is, you can upload all the content you want but I am sure you will come to the question of Why don't your posts reach the same pace as they normally did?

In this case, it is very likely that you are being penalized and what is worse, without realizing it. You can have millions of followers on your account, but none of them will be able to see what you post. Also, even if you don't notice it immediately, with the shadow ban on Facebook, little by little, you will see the decrease in reactions to your content through these sanctions on this platform.

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Why does the shadow ban?

To date, the social network facebook uses this type of sanctions for those who commit minor infractions to any of its internal rules and regulations. These rules must be respected, because otherwise we would be incurring a lack of what is established in their user rules. This is already considered just cause for a possible permanent closure of your account. However, this social network does not always notify users of sanctions. In some cases it does so through a Email or through the call help Center.

But there is a weakness for which they can apply shadow ban en Facebook, are known as Bots. They can be said to be implanted, that is, they are put on you in a malicious way. This would cause you a penalty without even you realizing the reason, since logically you did not perceive the play against you. These are situations that unfortunately happen very frequently, this being a situation that forces you to be very alert and above all to find a way to protect your account in the best possible way, as well as all the information you can publish.

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How to avoid shadowban on Facebook?

Facebook Like the rest of the online platforms, they have their own rules or laws for their community, which have to be respected by each and every one of their users to avoid sanctions in networks; when making a publication you must:

  • Do not make publications with profane, disrespectful, discriminatory or offensive vocabulary.
  • Do not post content that incites hatred.
  • Respect the social status, ethnicity, race, sex, religion, illness or disability of each individual in the community.
  • Avoid content of nudity or any sexual activity.

Among other aspects that are contained in the rules of the social network, so for fix the shadowban on Facebook, you should limit yourself to posting content that is acceptable to the general community.

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How do I know if I am a victim of shadowban?

One of the easiest ways to know if you suffer from shadowban on Facebook es measuring the reach of your posts. You can also compare the likes received in some, with the likes received in others, and if you find a huge difference that does not seem logical to you, then you can be sure that you suffer from shadow ban. Another way is to measure the reproductions of your videos with those that you already uploaded, let's say about 3 months ago and you will find the answer yourself.

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