What is SHADOWBAN on Twitter and how to avoid it? (RESOLVED)

¿What is Shadowban in Twitter?

El Shadowban on Twitter, like the sanction in the different social networks, is here to stay. Many users have heard about it. However, not everyone knows that it is the way they have platforms like Twitter and others to avoid all those contents that are uncomfortable or that go against the established norms.

The user is usually unable to realize that their content is blocked by the administrators of this network. In it, they apply a silent censorship or sanction on Twitter, and what if it is.

Here we will see why it occurs, but first learn a little about:

What is Shadowban in networks and how to avoid it?

shadowban on social media cover story

Why does the Shadowban occur on Twitter?

As an important comment, I must tell you that you can read our article about how can they hack your twitter account, so you will be prepared for any computer attack by hackers.

Now if we continue with what interests us today:

All social media they have their regulations which apply to everyone without exception. We will explain in detail the items to avoid to avoid Shadowban on Twitter:

Another reason for you to be punished by Twitter is that your personal account is the target of a considerable number of reports. Remember that each complaint is the cause of a inappropriate behavior.

For use content DO NOT permitted within the community. Photographs out of place, violent, vulgar or offensive language, lack of religion, indigenous, political or social group are also the cause of sanction on Twitter.

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The hashtags banned by Twitter They are another point that you must take into account.

They are hashtags that were used in an inappropriate way, for the use of discrimination, incitement to hatred and others. For different reasons they are prohibited in the network; be careful every time you use one of them and not be a victim of Shadowban on Twitter.

How to avoid shadowban on Twitter?

Definitely, this tool has become the best weapon that social networks have to impart the law among their community, but do not forget that it is better to avoid the law than to face it, because it is easier.

Here we are going to tell you some tips so you know how to fix Shadowban on Twitter:

  1. You should always maintain appropriate and ethical language, so always avoid using degrading words in any way, obscene, offensive and above all racist. This way, you will be off the radar of what an offender of community network rules means.

If you follow all these tips to the letter, you will avoid bad times on the network and most importantly, you will avoid Shadowban on Twitter.

Learn: What is Shadowban on facebook and how to avoid it?


How do I know if I am a victim of Shadowban?

For find out if you are a victim of Shadowban on Twitter, you should ask someone outside your circle of added contacts to find your last tweet and try to see it. If you can't find it, then if you're banned. At present, the administration of Twitter has denied and continues to deny that it makes use of this practice, but the debate spikes and spreads. What is worse is that more and more dissatisfied users are added despite the denial of the network.

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