Social MediaTechnology

What is SHADOWBAN on YouTube and how to avoid it? (EASY)

What is shadowban in YouTube?

The Shadowban on YouTube is the platform's way of stopping the presentation of your video in case they consider that it violates their rules. You will easily see that you do not have the likes that you usually have in the content you publish. In addition, users will not have the opportunity to share and less to recommend.

This is a consequence of the fact that with the material of your content you violate at least one of the rules that the platform already has established for the entire community. Do not forget that we all have an obligation to respect each other, and that is one of the main objectives of the platform. Remember also that in all parts of the world, everyone makes use of it for the reasons that each or every one of them may have. Learn a little more about:

What is Shadowban in networks and how to avoid it?

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Why does the shadowban occur on YouTube?

It occurs when in your content you refer to a topic that is not allowed. An example of this is that they consider that you attack a particular government, or that your content may be offensive to a social group. Just as you reject, criticize in a vulgar way a religious entity, or person in particular.

Thus, YouTube considers that you are violating the rules of behavior established on the platform so that all users respect it equally. So don't forget to upload content that is suitable for everyone. Also avoid foul language or images with sexual content. As you can see, there are many reasons that cause the shadowban on the YouTube platform.

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How to avoid it on YouTube?

So you can fix the shadowban on YoutubeYou should only avoid out of tune language, as well as not express yourself with violence, cruelty or abuse of any social, ethical or cultural group. One of the main rules imposed by YouTube is that we all deserve respect.

That is why you cannot be offensive at any time. Try that all your content is of interest to the entire community. Above all, that they are an important tool so that you can help those who need to know about the topic you are addressing. Always keep in mind respect for copyright, because today even the simplest image is subject to them.


  1. They shadowbanded me on YouTube. I realized when I subscribed and wanted to like videos or comments and when I re-entered from another device, I saw that it was as if those reactions that I made did not exist. I think the cause could have been that I once left comments with opinions on politics that made other users controversial, but I also think that it could have been the fact that I wanted to support a friend by giving him many "likes" and reloading the video to give visualizations indiscriminately, and that the system has identified me as a bot. I have searched in English and it seems that others have the same problem, but without a further solution you will have to create a new gmail (since from experience creating another channel does not work)

  2. My YouTube channels videos like 80% is shadowbanned, just because i make GTA gaming videos. Which is absolutely ridiculous, like you kill people in GTA thats how you play it what the fuck else i'm supposed to do in GTA? Fucking walk with the player, and buy hotdogs? YouTube has lost it completely, total shit site i hope a new video site will come up soon where people shift to.

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