Three recently discovered planets could harbor life

They find 3 new planets that orbit a red star very close to our solar system.

A team of astronomers and international scientists, led by Spanish scientists have discovered three Planets that are in a solar system close to ours. These are orbiting over a Red Star much weaker and smaller than our sun. Investigations have determined; that one of these planets has a high chance of containing water in a liquid state, which means that this planet can harbor life. The red star in this solar system is estimated to be about 31 light years away.

One of the members of the team of astronomers and scientists, Rafael Luque, resorted together with his team, to make closer observations of these bodies through telescopes higher power found in the Calar Alto Observatory, in Almería-Spain, called the "Instrument of Cármenes".

The astrophysicist explains this phenomenon with the following:

The results that the observations of the telescopes yielded were that the planet closest to its red star has a temperature of approximately enormous 250 degrees. On the second planet, it is estimated that it also has a very high temperature of about 127 degrees. The third planet's temperature is still unknown, but it was possible to study to determine that it has a mass six times greater than that of the Earth.

¿How could there be water in one of them? And ... Can there be life?


These observations were published by the magazine Astronomy & Astrophysics.

The reason why it is believed that there is life on one of these planets is because one of them has an equilibrium temperature of about 53 degrees below zero, slightly higher than the average air temperature on Earth, which makes have high chances of having water and therefore life.

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