Oumuamua 2.0, the second interstellar object could have entered our Solar System

The astronomical community is excited about a possible interstellar object, which would be the second to be discovered, it may have reached beyond our solar system.

Gennady Borisov is a hobbyist in astronomy, he could have detected the comet on August 30, using a telescope he built himself, and scientists have been eager to learn more about the C / 2019 Q4 (Borisov) object.

In October 2017, a singular object was located 30 million km from Earth which, due to its particularity and a supposedly anomalous individual acceleration contrary to the attraction of the Sun, was identified as the first interstellar intruder and was named Oumuamua discovered by Canadian astronomer Robert Weryk who worked at the Institute of Astronomy at the University of Hawaii.

Characteristics of the object.

The characteristics of the second comet called C / 2019 Q4 (Borisov), are different from the initial indications; have already revealed that the path has a hyperbolic shape (meaning that it is not captured by the Sun's gravity), rather than the elliptical shape that determines the orbits of objects that surround the Sun. The path suggests that the astro eventually it will traverse the solar system, never to return.

The first interplanetary shock wave has already been measured!

So far a group of astronomers have specified that C / 2019 Q4 is quite large, much larger than Oumuamua. You even know that it is icy, which means that it is quite glowing and will get brighter as it approaches the Sun or evolves directly from a solid to a gas.

interstellar object quote oumuamua 2.0

At this moment the recent interstellar object appears in the sky; at a somewhat low point before the sun appears, so it is difficult to appreciate it.

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