How to identify a phishing virus.

Computer viruses and how to identify them. How to identify an xploitz virus or phishing virus in 3 steps.

With the use of the internet in the palm of our hand and the hours we spend connected, it is not a surprise to find great threats to our devices. Therefore we are going to show you the types of computer viruses and how to identify them.

With every minute that passes, more than 180 viruses are created around the globe, so imagine the number of malicious software which is distributed over the internet. Here we are going to show you one of that most common viruses and how to analyze them: the phishing virus. for keep safe our device and our personal information.

If you come here to learn how to use Xploitz, your article is this one.

How to use Xploitz

HOW TO USE AN XPLOITZ article cover

How to identify it

Phishing virus also known as "mail bomb" or "xploitz virus".

El xploitz virus It is found above all in emails, they are also sent through social networks such as Instagram or Facebook. The intention of this virus or rather of the person who uses it is to obtain confidential data of the victim through Social engineering. A dangerous virus to take into account since impersonate reliable sources as Bank entities also by facebook, instagram or any page or application from which they want to get data.

Social engineering

The "Xploitz”They falsify the design of the destination page exactly in this way the user who clicks on the link would find the exact log-in imitation.

If the user enters the credentials in this false log-in, these data would be sent to the attacker, redirecting the user to the REAL page to re-enter their data as if they had made a mistake when writing them.

The way to avoid falling into Phishing is to check the links and emails that we open. Destination links may look similar but they are not official. They imitate the names and behavior of the company. For example, a few days ago I received in my personal email a supposed email from Apple.

Let's analyze it

Step 1 to know how to identify a phishing virus

The name is AppleSupport, but looking at it carefully, the email address that sent it is totally different from any apple address. It does not match anywhere. "". It is clearly false.

If we go further and open the message we find this:

Step 2 to scan a phishing virus

The message is in English and my account is configured in Spanish, so this xploitz is not of good quality and does not use good Social Engineering. It is aimed at a very specific audience. The danger is in the URL and Anchor Text.

Step 3 to know how to identify a phishing virus

At first glance it seems that the url address sends you to but to check if it is a real link just hover over.

As you can see if we pass the cursor it detects us at the URL to which it is going to send us. A URL Deceptively and clearly Phishingand an xploitz virus In all rules.

In this specific case it is a low quality Phishing but we can find them sectorized in a different way and personalized according to the information obtained by a collection of user data through Social Engineering. Especially when it is from someone who knows you and tries to steal information from you or when it is someone experienced who wants to get something from you.

If you want to learn how to apply the Social engineering In this type of virus or hack method I recommend you look at the following article.

El Art of Social Engineering y how to hack humans

Un elaborate bomb mail it can be very dangerous. Always check the sender's email and the URLS (Without clicking on them.)

This is only one of the viruses that you should protect yourself from, but it is also important to use a antivirus to be always protected to the various threats that exist on the internet. In the following article we will tell you why you must use an Antivirus.

If you have found it useful, please share our content to help us reach more people and let them know scan phishing viruses. If you want to know more about the subject, I advise you to look at the following article.

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