Meaning of words

What does deferred mean? – Various concepts and examples

In order to perform a certain action or operation well, it is important to know its meaning or origin. That is why CITEIA, through works like this, explains and makes you aware of certain topics so that you know how to act. Next in this work we will define you and explain everything related to what does deferred mean. This term that conveys a concept of dilation has explanations in various areas and activities of life such as business, law, among others.

What does deferred mean?

This term counts as we already mentioned with several explanations, for example, in the telecommunications such as radio and television is used, in relation to events that will be done little by little or slowly, since these events have to go through a review process, to see how and what type of entertainment is going to be transmitted and what language it has, and not it will be broadcast live if not minutes or hours later.

And in the business area there is also a meaning of deferred, which consists of carrying a recording of movements and transactions, and they are not always carried out in the same way, because in some cases the entire business transaction is recorded from collections, payments and movements, and in other cases only the expenses and collections of the movements are recorded and only at specific times .

what does deferred mean

But speaking of deferred, in the business part there is a payment that bears this name and is made in periods, let's see what deferred payment is about.

What does deferred payment mean?

This is a transaction that consists or occurs when we acquire a good or they lend us something with the intention that it be made with credit, and the payment is made after an agreed date.

And in deferred payments, when we make a loan, the payments We do everything in a single payment or in periodic installments, And here what we must pay attention to is the installments, because the longer we take to pay the debt, the more interest we will pay.

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But there is only one deferred payment or there are several, well pay attention to the following information.

Types of deferred payments

There are several types of deferred payments which are the following:

  • The first type of deferred payment is one that is done by periods, as is the case with credit cards, which are paid in installments and not all the debt in a single payment.
  • The second type is very similar to the first, because the payment is not made in full but in installments but not immediately, that is, the client reaches an agreement of pay it not the following month but the following months,
  • And the third deferred payment is where the payment is made to through checks, all the money in a single payment on an agreed future date.
  • There is also a deferred payment through an account with savings drafts, in which the user will notify days in advance that he will make drafts in his account to the bank, and this will allow him to carry out movements and transactions in other countries.
  • Another type of deferred payment is the one that occurs when a citizen does not have enough money to pay the required taxes, then he will reach an agreement to make a referred tax payment without violating the law.
  • Another referred payment also occurs when businessmen have to pay the required VAT, and in some cases it is very expensive, they can do it in limited installments that will be achieved by reaching an agreement.

But the examples help us understand things better, let's see some of the deferred payments.

Examples of deferred payments

Let's imagine that you have a bank and you have a credit card, and you want to buy a smartphone that costs $50, and on the credit card you have the amount needed to buy it, and you decide to do so.

what does deferred mean

But at the time you cannot or can pay it all in one payment, then you will reach an agreement to pay it by monthly installments, in a required time, and you could also pay it in later months, for example, if you make the purchase. in January but you can't cancel it in April for certain reasons, you will be able to cancel it in April.

This process that you made in a required payment, as you will pay the money through installments, it is obvious that you will pay interest, but this payment method will have the advantage that nobody loses out.

But this deferred term also has a meaning in the laws and the legal let's see what it is.

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What does deferred in law mean?

The definition of defer in the legal legal environment is closely related or very similar to that of the business environment since it means delaying or postponing an expense operation carried out, and can also refer to the case of a person, when it will not be put in a case of removal or deportation, where it also depends and takes into account a certain period of time.

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