How to install a WordPress plugin? [With Images]

These 3 methods to install WordPress plugins will help you make your website more versatile

Now we are going to teach you how to install a WordPress plugin so you have the best features on your platform. In a previous post we taught you what is a Wordpress plugin, uses and their types. However, to refresh that knowledge a bit, we are going to summarize the following:

Plugins are the functions that make Wordpress one of the most flexible and versatile platforms today. This is why it is one of the most far-reaching platforms with respect to functions on any website that we can find. By installing the plugins in WordPress, it is possible to provide features with a unique touch that in turn provide the design that the owner of the site needs to have; as well as its main characteristics.

Now yes, without further ado LET'S GO TO THE GRAIN!

Steps to follow to install WordPress plugins

  1. You must start by entering "Start" on the desktop of your Wordpress, the next thing is to click on the option "Plugin / add new". 

Then in the window that was activated you are going to write the name of the plugin you want to install and then click on the option that says search. And in this way you will already be finishing the second step of the installation.

You will see the search result in a list and you will search and identify the plugin you need. You will proceed to click on the option that says "Install Now", so that in that way your installation begins.
  1. Once the installation you are doing is finished, what follows is to click on the option that says activate the plugin. In this way your installation will be correctly completed.

Have you seen how easy it is to install a plugin in WordPress? But ... don't go yet.

I'm going to show you another way to do it in case that for some specific reason the previous way has failed you.

  1. The first thing you have to do is enter the option "Plugins" and then click on the option that tells you "Add new".

Then you go to the second step which consists of clicking on the tab that says "Upload plugin" for what you just have to click on "Select file", and take the one that interests you. Then you click on the option "Install Now" and thus you finish the second step in the installation process.
  1. Now it is your turn to activate the plugin and that way you have finished everything you had to do for the correct installation of the plugin. As you could see, it is a simpler process and therefore shorter than the previous process

How does install it via FTP?

So that you have knowledge of the 3 ways that exist today to install a plugin. Here is the process to follow:

  1. The first step or the first thing you should do is locate the file that has the name Zip plugin and then you will click on the option that says "decompress" and that way you will have the folder with all your files.

Finally, you have the 3 ways to do a WordPress plugin installation, from what you have seen they are not complicated or tedious. You are now at the best of chance for a successful installation.

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