Create professional website easily and quickly using WordPress [without programming]

In order to create a professional website, it is not currently necessary to have a lot of programming knowledge. There is already a way to use pre-built services to do it easily and quickly. To create a professional website you just have to have three things: A hosting, a theme, and the content.

We will teach you how to create each of these parts that you need to create a professional website. You will do it quickly using already designed services with which you will not need to get fully involved in programming. You will only need to install all the necessary programs on this website and make your content.

What is a hosting and which one to use to create a professional website?

A Hosting is a web hosting service, it is in charge of storing the information of your website and sharing it with all the users who try to enter the address of your domain. Normally in Hosting you can also buy your domain. It is necessary to connect the domain to the Hosting, and the easiest way to do it is buying the domain on the same Hosting page. That way you won't get complicated with more procedures.

There is an infinite number of Hosting services around the world, but there are specialized Hosting services that have much better potential. One of them is banana hosting and another of them is web companies.

You can hire any of the services of these two Hosting that allows you to enter WordPress after installation in your domain. If you do not know how to do an installation in wordpress it is best to connect with your Hosting support and there they can help you install your domain.

What is WordPress?

Wordpress is a system that allows you to design and manage the contents of a web page. With it we can create professional web pages, in a service that has designed different programs called themes and plugins.

Each of its programs has a different function which you will not have to program directly from the files on your website. But you will simply have to install the program in wordpress and with that you will have the functions programmed within your website.

You can see: How to install WordPress plugins

How to install a WordPress article cover plugin

What theme to use to create a professional website?

The theme will be the look your web page will take. To create a professional website you will need a professional theme. There are those that have different demos already designed and with which you only need to choose which demo is closest to what you want on your website.

There are professional themes like divi or astra, which among its functions have demos to make web pages such as online stores, blogs, e-commerce, among other types of web pages.

The plugins needed to create a professional website

Wordpress, in addition to the main Theme, is also combined with Plugins to increase the functionality of the web page, the design, security and other types of functions. On your web page you must place different plugins. If you hire a professional theme, the same theme will tell you which plugins are necessary to have the theme working properly.

You will also need plugins such as the Cookie notice, whose function is to tell users that they use cookies on the web page they enter. Another necessary plugin is one in charge of SEO, among which we can mention yoast seo or rank match.

You will also need some from Google such as the Google site kick that will indicate the total number of visits your web page will have and some important aspects such as the loading speed that it has.

To install any plugin you must go apart from WordPress that says plugin and there press the Add a new button.


Content is the mainstay of all web pages, and that with which Google can know what our website is about. For that reason it is necessary to make good content. Good content is one that specified by Premium SEO plugins has all the characteristics to be positioned in Google.

Another feature of good content is that when a user enters our website, it covers all the needs of the user. If our content does not meet those needs then our website would be out of date. Therefore the person and will not last long within it.

Another thing the content is that it has to be very complete, depending on what our website is going to be, we have to cover all possible topics so that the user feels satisfied when entering it. Be it a store, a blog or a TSA, it is necessary that our website is complete enough to be able to make the user do the action that benefits us the most.

Learn: What are Wordpress plugins and what are they for?

SEO Positioning

Web positioning, also known as Seo is the last part to work on our website. SEO is what will ensure a source of traffic to receive visits from the search engine. Once the content of our website has been made, it is necessary that it position in the best positions of the google search index. For that, different processes are needed so that our website has the best possible results in Google.

To achieve that we need to have the help of a Premium seo plugins, such as yoast seo o rankmath that will help us establish good writing habits as well as guide us.

We will also need tools like ahrefs that allow us to see the seo progress of our website and look for something very important called keywords, what are the words on which our website should be based depending on the theme we have to get as many visits as possible.

Social traffic

Finally, each web page has different ways of getting traffic, there is organic, social and direct traffic. Organic traffic is the traffic we have through search engines like Google, Social traffic is what we get through social networks like Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. And direct traffic is that which we obtain when a person enters directly to the domain of our website.

Therefore we need to grow in all possible types of traffic and one of the most important is social traffic, so if you are going to have a professional website you must also have one professional fanpage, an Instagram account and a Twitter account for your website. The fact of sharing the URL of your web page around the different networks and the internet in general will also increase the your domain authority (DR). In addition, in some networks social traffic can also allow us to position keywords or "search terms". In networks like Quora we can do anchor text that will allow us incrustar our url to a search term. We explain this better in this guide to Attract visitors with Quora

⏱️8 ′ [SEO Guide] Attract visits and position with Quora

Learn how to rank your website using Quora with this free guide.

In addition, these social profiles will help you to position yourself in Google since from there you can make different links that Google will take into account to place you in the best possible positions.

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