The best QA bootcamp on the market: a software tester course made for you

Can you imagine if the products were not tested before they went on the market? The consumer would surely encounter endless errors and failures. Within the IT industry there is a profession that is dedicated to ensuring the quality of a software product and its functionality: software QA testers.

TripleTen is a programming bootcamp that offers a software tester course flexible and results-oriented, so that you can get a job in this profession within the IT industry in a short time. Read on to find out what software testers do, why the profession is important, and how you can become one with the TripleTen bootcamp.

A critical role within the IT industry: the software tester

A software tester is the last filter between a company and its target market. They are a fundamental part of every IT project. Depending on the objectives of a product and its functionalities, the software tester designs different types of software tests.

The software tester must be a person who knows testing theory in depth; Only from this knowledge is he able to analyze the requirements that the IT product has, and what tests have to be done to make it optimal.

QA testers are considered silent heroes within the technology sector, since it is a role that, although it is not dedicated as such to developing the product, ensures that the development is optimal and meets the expectations of the client and user. A software tester assertively criticizes and proposes solutions so that the tasks of each part of the development process become a solid and functional IT product.

TripleTen offer a software tester course updated to the needs that companies have today, and you can also become a certified QA tester if you are a person with a critical eye and capable of proposing innovative solutions.

The different types of software testing

The software tester must know how to execute two broad categories of tests: manual tests and automated tests. Manual tests, as their name indicates, are done manually by the tester, and serve to verify certain specific characteristics of the TI product. An example of these are functional tests, which serve to verify that a function within the product works as expected, and that the user has no type of problem when using it.

Automated tests are programs that the software tester designs to indirectly test the product. An example of them are the unit tests, which test units within the product to verify that they function correctly, independently and in relation to the rest of the system.

Unit tests and functional tests are just a few examples of software testing that a tester needs to know, and something positive about TripleTen's programming bootcamp is that you can learn to run all types of tests through real projects. No other online certificate is capable of training you as a software tester so completely.

Learn the job, get the job with TripleTen 

TripleTen aims to get you a job within the IT industry in no more than six months after graduating. Additionally, since they are so confident in the quality of their education, if you can't get an IT job within this time they will return 100% of your investment.

To prepare for the real job market, you work on projects through the methodology sprints. This methodology is used by most companies to meet specific objectives in a certain amount of time. Working this way helps you understand the pace of work in the working world.

Another advantage of TripleTen is that the projects you develop within your bootcamp help you consolidate a portfolio that will serve as a sample of your work to employers. With this resource you will be able to communicate the practical skills that you obtained in the course, and that you carried out in projects that have application in the real world.

TripleTen's software tester course is actually for everyone. Regardless of your experience, age, gender, or current profession, you can learn about software testing and establish yourself as an IT professional in just five months.

TripleTen students demonstrating the success of the program

TripleTen's success as a programming school is revealed in the success of its students. A notable example is that of Samuel Silva, a young man who before TripleTen had no experience in the technology sector. Before finishing the software tester bootcamp, Samuel was dedicated to construction and painting houses. Nowadays he works as a QA tester at Except Capital. Samuell comments that he appreciates TripleTen's work because he “didn't even have to dedicate” more than 20 hours a week to change the direction of his professional life. 

The software tester course that will change your professional life

If you want to learn about software testing and enter the world of technology but don't have much time or money available, TripleTen bootcamps are sure to be a great option for you. Now that you are sure you want to take the step, this is your chance! Take advantage of their promotion of 30% off the course total by using the promotional code FUTURO30: you just have to access and apply it in your registration process. Join an industry full of opportunities as a software tester with the help of the number one bootcamp in the United States.

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