
Schemes How to make them ?, types, examples

See the different schematic examples and the steps to create them easily

The simplification of the information leads us to obtain better conclusions at the time of any analysis to develop an investigation, report, exhibition or presentation; For this we must find the easiest way to do it and the first conclusion is to make diagrams.

Incredibly, there are many people who do not know how to articulate the information by means of a diagram to obtain a summary and a clear idea of ​​what they want to obtain. But…

What is an outline?

A scheme is a graphic representation of concepts or ideas, of some scientific topic, with theoretical foundations or simply the order of ideas in a schematic way.

¿How to make an outline?

Initially, we can say that there are different ways to represent and organize ideas for good understanding. Although there is always one with which you feel identified; The one that meets your expectations and with which you feel in complete agreement. Here, you can view examples of diagrams for further guidance.

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Similarly, a way of making an outline or a photo collage easily is with the Word program, in addition to all the tools that we leave you above.

What must we take into account to make an outline?

To make a scheme successfully we must take into account the following:

What is the main theme or idea?

It is the first important point, because when making the divisions we must have the ideas arranged hierarchically. They will help us to understand a whole.

We must have knowledge about a specific topic, or failing that, enough information to achieve the scheme. These types of diagrams and examples are used to visually recall important points of information.

How to create an outline

Only with pencil and paper you can make designs or examples of a scheme; as well as in the word processor Word, or in Power Point in presentation mode, which can be used the same for make a concept map of water, for example..

  1. You must carefully read the topic you want to develop, the main idea is to point out the most outstanding and significant in it.
  2. We can place the main idea in the center or at the top of the schema, this results in the schema being structured in a hierarchical way.
  3. Then, you must place the secondary ideas in the second line, leaving space between them and cover the macro in a single word, maximum two.
  4. The fundamental pieces are the keywords for the elaboration of the scheme, so the most accurate words will make the scheme a fantastic tool.

Characteristics of a scheme

Schemes must meet certain characteristics for higher performance:

  • Conceptual: Because it spells out the topic covered with a word or two.
  • Attractive: They must present the information dynamically, in this way the brain presents the acquired information efficiently.
  • Present the information clearly: Use concepts and words that are consistent with the topic.
  • Study method: As its name implies, it is a study tool, so it should not get tedious.

Scheme types

They are categorized according to their design, shape and size, so choosing the right one is not an easy task, so here you will see which one suits your needs. Each example of diagrams will help you to orient yourself in a better way.

Ekey schemes

The Keys scheme is known under the name of a synoptic table, since it contemplates the content in a hierarchical way, in addition, the content is usually organized from left to right. The objective is that the main idea is located on the left and from there using brackets or brackets the secondary and tertiary ideas of the topic are displayed.

Schemes example con arrows

It has a similar shape to the key scheme, only this time you will place it strategically with arrows; also, if content is organized from left to right, as simple and understandable as possible. It is also acceptable to place it from top to bottom, always keeping in mind the hierarchy.

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Concept map of the nervous system

Learn step by step how to create it.


They are considered schemes, in which shapes, arrows and connections are used in order to strategically organize the information. Flow diagrams are widely used to graph the steps of a process; algorithms, or decision making.

Example of a schematic Branched

These schemes start from a whole, from the macro to the micro; obtaining branches in topics and subtopics. They are normally used to show the relationship or difference that exists between one sub-topic and another.

But not only are these considered schemes; There are also endless diagrams such as the mind map, the concept map, the graphics used to represent percentages are considered graphic schemes,

¿Why are schemas important?? Look at their examples

Finally, its importance lies in the ease of representing any subject. The diagrams, graphs and maps manage to illustrate in a certain way the close relationship between concepts. This can help focus the viewer's attention on the most important / salient points of the topic. Due to this, the user can remember, either by good memory or by photographic memory, the content of the scheme.

Schematic examples

Key scheme examples,
Example of diagram Elements of Communication.
Basic Flow Chart Example.

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