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How can you watch TV online from the comfort of your home?

from ancient times human beings have an innate need to be entertained in some activity linked to their tastes and preferences, and also that is in line with their personality. The theater, Olympic competition games, sports, are some of the widely known forms in the world used to achieve this end.

Over time, technology emerged and this in turn was creating various forms of new entertainment. And one of the most famous was the invention of the television set by the British-Scottish electrical engineer John Logie Baird in 1922. From then on this device evolved until today when it is possible to watch internet tv or watch tv online.

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In this article we will see how it is possible watch TV online, what are the Web pages with channels where you can watch TV for free, what other services exist to watch Internet TV. And also, depending on your personal experience, determine if it is better to watch TV online or make a monthly payment to watch TV.

Is it possible to watch TV online?

After the Internet made its arrival in the world, the possibility was also opened for people to watch TV online from any device. All they have to do is go to the official website of the channels you want to watch. If you do it from a television, you must do it from one that has advanced digital technology such as Android TV, Web OS, Smart Hub and Tizen, Firefox TV, Apple TV and make use of the available applications.

Also, you can watch TV online from specific applications for this function on smartphones, computers and tablets. There is no limit when it comes to enjoying your favorite programming from wherever you are, and the best thing is that you can do it for free. Let's see then which are the Web pages with channels where you can watch TV for free.

What are the Web pages with channels where you can watch TV for free?

There are many Web pages with channels where you can watch TV for free, but in order to access the official pages of television channels, you must do so through mobile applications or specific websites. These applications or websites are responsible for compile and display tv channels that you have available.

How can you watch TV online from the comfort of your home?

It is important to note that there are limiting aspects when it comes to accessing certain Web pages to watch free TV. These aspects have to do with the geographical location that may be out of satellite reach, unless computer strategies related to setting up a virtual private network or VPN.

The most used web pages to watch TV online for free without registering are: 'Teledirecto', 'Vertelevisión online', 'Watch TV online for free', 'Tell him, 'VLC', 'MyIPTV Player'.

  • TDTChannels: this application can be used on iPad, Android, iPhone, and if you want to take it to your smart TV you have Apple TV.
  • My TV Online: It is an application suitable only for use on devices such as iPad and iPhone.
  • mobdro: It is also a free application to watch TV online only from Android devices, but the expansion of its network services is not ruled out.

You must remember that, to have a greater opportunity to access when using these applications. For this you must have a previously configured private network or VPN to configure a valid network connection, in order to break geographical barriers.

 What other services exist for this purpose?

There are other services to watch TV online, but a subscription must be canceled beforehand in order to access the channels they offer you. Within these services we have:

  • YouTube TV. Known for being a pioneer in Videos, now it brings the online TV service with the Streamig platform, with well-known television stations such as NBC, Fox, ABC, CBS. In addition, YouTube offers its own channel called 'YouTube RED'. Among the benefits it has is the ability to store content for up to 9 months.
How can you watch TV online from the comfort of your home?

The subscription costs $35.

  • Sling TV: It is a service that only offers for now 12 channels with varied programming and with access from different types of mobile devices and computers, on platforms such as Amazon Fire and Roku. It costs $20 and additional fees of up to $5 are paid for the inclusion of children's channels. Among the channels included in Sling.TV are: TNT, Disney Channel and ESPN.
  • FlixTV: This service can be enjoyed from Android devices, Android TV, Roku. With a varied programming of channels from the United States and the rest of the world. It is a service that has a subscription cost.
  • MachTV. This service works with Roku operating systems and also has a diversified server connection. It is a service that is enjoyed with a monthly subscription payment.
  • Popcorn Time. This application offers a high level of content in varied programming, based on the Torrent protocol, but not because of the difficulty of handling its interface, but because it depends on the content it offers its users.

It is important to note that if some applications are only available in some countries, and the only way to access them is with a private VPN network. But taking into account all the aspects that involve watching TV online for free or with subscription cancellation, we will see Which of the two options would be the best?

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Is it a good idea to watch TV online? Or is it better to make a monthly cancellation to watch TV?

Deciding whether to watch TV online for free or make a monthly cancellation to watch TV it is a personal opinion, because both are valid options when watching TV online. But keep in mind that those TV services that have a subscription cost, have attractions and customer services that cannot be questioned.

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