Accelerate your PC's processing speed [Windows 7, 8, 10, Vista, XP]

Get here all the steps to speed up your computer easily

Surely, like many, you are in a moment where your PC is slow. Do you need to know how to accelerate the processing speed of your Windows 7, 8, 10, Vista or XP computer? So don't worry, we are here to solve that little problem for you.

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In the following written tutorial we will teach you how to accelerate the processing speed of your computer to the maximum in just 4 steps. You don't need to download software or anything complicated. I promise that your PC will increase its speed and I know you will thank me, so LET'S START!

First of all, for those who do not know, we will briefly explain what a PROCESSOR OR CPU is.

What is a processor or CPU?

The Central Processing Unit or CPU it is a physical component of the computer. It is responsible for carrying out the necessary operations during the processing of computer data, so that it works fluently. Already in a previous article we also teach you what it is and how to create a virtual computer with VirtualBox. For now let's focus on this.

Improve GPU and CPU performance to accelerate processing speed for Windows 7, 8, Vista, XP

In order for you to start learning how to speed up your Windows 7 computer and other operating systems, in this first step we are going to decrease the default visual configuration of the operating system. All this, with the intention that Windows does not present slowness when processing the data.

Basically those in charge of accelerating the processing speed of your computer are the CPU, which as we mentioned before is the central processing unit and the GPU. The latter is the graphics processing unit, that is, it is responsible for processing graphics and other processes, in order to make the work of the CPU lighter. Especially in video games or other 3D and interactive applications. Without further ado, let's get to the point ...

Let Team, we right click and Properties, as the image shows us, this will help you speed up the processing of the computer you use.


By clicking on Properties we will see a new window. There we will click Advanced System Configuration. Then it shows us another window where we will click on Configuration in the part of PERFORMANCE. By clicking there, the image below will remain as is, and we mark Adjust for best performance, then Apply y Accept in the bottom.

Steps to improve GPU and CPU performance for Windows 10

For the Windows 10 operating system, we are going to do the following:

With these steps completed in the Windows 10 system of your computer, this will give a leap in processing speed, I assure you, you can try it. Let's keep going… 

Important Note: In the case of having Windows XP, 7 or VISTA, the design of the taskbar, windows, shadows, etc. will change. For the other versions the visual configuration will decrease. There will be several, but to give you an example, the shadow of the mouse will disappear. All this with the aim of optimizing the available resources to accelerate the processing of your computer.

In case you don't like the new look, you just choose the option of Let windows choose settings–> Apply–> OK and voila, matter fixed by that part, but I assure you that it helps a lot in speeding up the processing of your computer.

With this first step completed, you can test and you will see that the acceleration in the processing speed of your computer has already improved. But if you want more speed, let's do the second step. GO!

How to optimize Ram memory and cores to speed up the processor?

With this second step, we take advantage and speed up the processing of your computer to the maximum, improving the performance of the components of our computer ...but how do we do it?

Simple, let's Run (We can do this by pressing the key with the Windows logo + R). Once in the run table we are going to write msconfig y Accept.

In the window that will appear, we are going to click on start (In Windows XP it is called boot.ini) ->Advanced Options.

Once in this window, we are going to mark the options of Number of processors y Maximum amount of memory.

Here simply to speed up the processing of the computer, we are going to place (by clicking on the arrow) the maximum number of cores they have and the largest amount of memory they have, that's all. We give Apply–> OK–> Exit without restarting.

Important: After placing the largest amounts of cores and memory, (before accepting) uncheck the options marked with the number 3 in the image. This is because if you are going to change the RAM or processor later, you will not need to enter there again to uncheck. If you leave it marked and change the processor and put more memory than you had, the values ​​that you left marked will remain there and the PC will not recognize the new ones. Hence, you must enter that configuration again and change the values.

Steps to optimize Ram memory for Windows 7, 10

We can do this in several ways, since as we already mentioned, there are several reasons why our RAM memory is sometimes overloaded. Therefore, we are going to carry out the following steps:

Simple, we type simultaneously Ctrl + Alt + Delete, with this step we open the Task Manager.

We go to the section Home and from there we proceed to close each of those applications that start when your computer is turned on and that consume a high percentage of your PC's resources. To do this, we right click on our mouse and click on Disable or close.

Instead of being in the section of Home (where we already disable the startup programs), let's go to the section of Processes Once there, you will see the list of the processes that are being developed on your computer. To close them, simply position yourself on the one you want to finish, right click and we click Finish homework.

Everything is going well up to here right? So let's continue:

How to speed up the time to open folders and programs and speed up the processing?

Let Run (Windows symbol + R), once the window appears we write regedit y Accept.

The regeditTo put it briefly, it is like the dictionary of the Windows operating system. It is where the large amount of things that are processed on the pc are stored.

Once there we will see a window. We will follow this route: HKEY_CURRENT_USER / CONTROL PANEL / DESKTOP.

While there, when you double click on desktop, in the list on the right side we will look for: MenuShowDelay. There we are going to double click and place the value at 0 and Accept. We return the folders to their place, now giving the negative sign that they have next to them and that's it.

IMPORTANT: In case we do not have MenuShowDelay in the list, we can create it to continue contributing to improve the acceleration of the processor in your computer, how?

We right-click on the screen, (we must check if our pc is 32-bit or 64-bit) to be able to choose the Dword value (for 32 bits) or Qword (for 64 bits.)

To know how many bits your computer will go to Team, right click Properties and there you will see the characteristics of your computer.

Once this is reviewed we create the MenuShowDelay by right clicking on this screen, New (Qword or Dword depending on what you checked) and voila. For now it is only created, we are going to open it with a double click and the value of 400 that appears we are going to change it to 0 and Accept to help speed up your computer's processing

How to refresh the processor by means of a shortcut?

This is a very simple step, when creating the shortcut, when your computer is slow you can double-click it and in 5 seconds the processor is refreshed and you can speed up the computer's processing.

We go to the desktop, we right click, we select New–> Direct access. It will appear to us to write the location of the element. There they will paste the following code:

% windir% \ system32 \ rundll32.exe advapi32.dll, ProcessldleTasks and we give Next. A window will appear to place a name, this can be the one of your preference, although to remember you can put "refresh processor". And now yes, Finalize.

How to speed up rendering in windows

With these 4 steps your computer will be more free of memory and will optimize its resources to function better. Now I hope you share it so we can help more people speed up their computer processing speed.

Steps to refresh the processor by means of a shortcut in Windows 10

For those who have the Windows 10 operating system on their computer, creating the shortcut is very easy.

We are only going to place ourselves in an empty space on the desktop of our PC, we right click with the mouse. When the list appears, we click New–> Shortcut. We have almost all the work done.

Now when the wizard appears, we will find the question about where we want to send the shortcut, that is, to what command or program. Simply copy this command and paste it there:

cleanmgr / DC / LOWDISK

Then a few final steps. let's give it Next, we put any name and this, we continue and it will appear as a direct access on the desktop of our PC.

If we double-click on this shortcut that we have just created, a screen will appear directly where we only have to give Accept to start cleaning the hard drive whenever we want.

Last important note: To improve the processing acceleration of your computer You do NOT need to do the 4 steps. While you are doing each one, you can test the operation and speed of the PC. But it is up to each personIf you want a better optimization of your computer's resources, follow the 4 steps.


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