How to create a VIRTUAL COMPUTER with VirtualBox?

Before teaching you how to create a virtual computer, let's first explain what it is VirtualBox, the tool you should DOWNLOAD and that will make it possible to start creating your virtual machine in this case, since there are other applications or programs with which you can do it.

What is VirtualBox?

VirtualBox is a free order app, very complete indeed, for the action that we are going to perform in this written tutorial, which is to create a computer or virtual machine. It is one of the most practical when creating a virtual computer on our team. Therefore, here we are going to explain in a detailed way the whole process that you must follow in order to achieve your goal.

We also consider it necessary for you to be clear that VirtualBox is one of the best apps ever to create virtual computers. For this, it is necessary that you have a computer with Windows, Linux, GNU or also the Mac OS, since otherwise it will be an impossible mission. So I hope you are a little clearer now. From here on I think we can start with the configuration step by step, for this you must already have the application / program installed.

Steps to create a computer or virtual machine

1. To start creating your virtual machine you must click start VirtualBox. Then we click on the option can bring to life, to begin the process of creating your virtual computer.

2. A window will be activated in which you will click on the option expert modeThis must be done in the bottom button of the window.

3. In this next step, you will see the activation of 2 screens, but you will work with the first one, that is, the one above. There you will write the name you chose to create your virtual computer. This will be the way you are going to identify it, so that you can then choose which system you want to install. In this same step you will also assign how much RAM do you want me to use your virtual machine, although you can apply it personally depending on the amount of memory you have available.

It may interest you: How to create a virtual computer with VMware

4. In the image below, you will have the option to "create a new hard drive”And it is where you are going to click, remember that your virtual computer is new.

5. Then you will be activated the option "can bring to life”, And this is where you are going to click for your virtual machine to be created.

6. Here is the time to "save", because in the upper right corner of your monitor you will see a folder with a green arrow. There you will click, since in this way you will be choosing the directory or what is equal to the part where your virtual machine is going to be or the directory where it is going to be created.

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7. This step is assigned to determine the amount of storage for your virtual hard drive. We recommend that it be according to the availability you have. That is, what you consider necessary to use for your activities to be carried out on the computer. But if you have doubts, you can take advantage of the option that you will see on your screen to create dynamically, so that VirtualBox do it for you. 

8. If to create your virtual computer you decided to VirtualBox do it for you, what follows is to click on the option "dynamically reserved".

9. You're almost done! Here you will see what refers to the size of your hard drive. So among the options that you are going to have personally, we can recommend that you choose: VHD or the option that you are going to see as VDI.

10. Finally, it is time for you to click on the option "can bring to life”And you will see how your virtual computer is being created quickly.

Discover how to create virtual machine with Hyper-V in an easy way


How could you realize, the creating your virtual machine it is a short process and above all very simple. We are sure that it was not difficult for you to create your machine, so we hope that you have achieved your goal with our help. You know that here you can always find the answer you are looking for.

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