Curiosities about the Dark Web (Deep Web)

On this occasion the following topics will be discussed:

The Internet is much bigger than we think. We are used to surfing the net through search engines without hardly realizing the censorship to which we are subject within Google or other search platforms.

For you to realize, many times when you launch a simple search for a name or information that could be compromised, you come across the “informational poster” that they are removing content, that is, censoring you.



Well this poster is very functional when we are talking about protect copyrighted content, but it is not only used for this, it is also used to block other types of information.

In this way, we omit a large part of the existing knowledge and we abide mainly by the search results that are offered to us according to the country from which we are searching. In accordance with the interests and laws of that country.

This Network is in a legal vacuum. The first of the curiosities about the Dark Web is that its use is totally legitimate and not allowing access to it would be a attack against freedom of expression. By this I mean that it has no boundaries or limitations of speech, for this reason you are going to meet all kinds of people.

Being a place where you navigate in a way anonymous you can find all kinds of atrocities and that is well known to all who have heard of it. But for now I will not focus on that, although it seems very important that you know later what is the TOR browser and how to use it to navigate the deep web in a safe way.

how to use tor article cover

I'm going to focus on what you haven't been told about the Dark Web

In the Dark Web, in the same way that you can find that type of content mentioned above, you will also have access to ALL KINDS OF USEFUL CONTENT. Quoting this in an ethical and moral way without encouraging you to misuse the network.

Some things we will find

These are some interesting curiosities about the "Deep Web" that you will find. You will also be able to find what everyone already knows related to crime such as hacking, downloads of content protected by copyright, paypal account theft, bank card cloning, fake scam pages, drug markets, weapons , hired killers, tutorials to make or buy explosives, how to make drugs and all this kind of stuff that gives a bad image to the dark net.

The latter type of practices are quite common to find

Here everything will depend on your interests and your "why" to enter the dark web, although in this post I do not want to focus on the "garbage" or the morbid and negative content that is related to that part of the Internet.

Here I want to focus on that we must not lose that precious right that we have and that we are offering little by little each time. That right known as "freedom of expression", freedom of expression is not subject to censorship, or it is not freedom of expression.

It is true that according to my experiences on the dark web I have seen that it was quite common to find racist or supermacist content. But of course, it is what we can expect when the average citizen has for learned that whoever enters this site is to buy weapons or make any aberration. How awful! And what a mistake!

We all know that there are countries like China or Korea that are subject to HUGE and Anti-human censorship, the Dark Web helps these citizens to see beyond the lies that their governments tell them. Well, the same thing happens with yours, but to a "lesser degree." This is one of the curiosities about the Dark Web.

How to create a virtual machine with VirtualBox to access the Deep Web safely

The internet has changed

And with it your privacy in full. We know that with Google and other platforms they sell your data (which you give voluntarily) to generate income with your visits or readings, included in this web page where the income will come from showing you “personalized” ads according to your searches or your tastes.

This may sound very nice when we talk about products, but not so much if used to sell ideology.

Hoaxes on the Dark Web

It is full of child abuse or pedophilia

This is one of the most heard lies. It is true that there is this type of content, it also exists on the normal Internet. Even so I assure you that you will never find this content out of the blue, the very people of the Dark Net despise pedophilia, so it remains HIDDEN and cannot be accessed by anyone, so get that idea out of your head.

In none of my forays into the network have I come across this type of content. What's more, I assure you that the hackers themselves work harder to eradicate pedophilia than the police or the intelligence services themselves.

It is illegal to enter the Dark Web

What is illegal is not entering or reading information, what is illegal is doing illegal things, obviously. If you buy a Glock on the black market of course you are committing a crime. Read information or enter in the Dark Net it is totally legitimate.

If you enter, they hack you

There are thousands of ways to protect yourself on the network, Tor itself, the base tool that allows us to establish connections with this type of website, explains and forms the necessary security methods for free so that you do not have problems when entering. INFORMATE BEFORE ENTERING.

Still, as long as you use a VPN and Tor and do not download ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING, it will be very difficult for them to violate you. The big problem is when you download content without being really protected. As an additional point, if you are going to enter, I advise you to cover the webcam on your computer.

You need a lot of knowledge to make a raid

False, anyone can enter. It is very simple, yet it is advisable to train yourself a minimum in what you can or cannot do to navigate safely.

Take care of your privacy and protect your freedom of expression.

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