
Content marketing techniques that you can apply to improve your SEO positioning

In an eminently digital world like the one we live in, there are more and more companies and projects that seek to position themselves within search engines in an organic way to offer users new and unique ideas. In this case, evidently there has also been a more than considerable increase in the number of companies that seek to invest a certain part of their profits in developing a strategic line that allows them to make themselves known and, above all, increase their popularity and stand out among the competition. , like content marketing. 

Among the various digital marketing strategies that can be applied to achieve these goals, positioning through the creation of content stands out, whether in text format or in audiovisual format. Content marketing has amply demonstrated its great effectiveness in improving SEO positioning, in addition to being a relatively simple and easy tool to implement. 

Be that as it may, in this article we will explore what exactly content marketing is, what techniques can be applied to it, what dissemination channels are most interesting or what is needed to start creating a content strategy from scratch. 

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is one of the many digital marketing techniques that can be applied to promote good organic positioning in search engines. Through the creation and distribution of valuable, relevant and useful content for users, companies have a powerful tool to attract, retain and interact with their target audience. 

For this reason, applying content marketing is not about creating content without a strategic line: each business must know its keywords and its corporate objectives and use content creation to create a source of quality information. These contents must be aimed at answering the needs and questions of users, covering their needs and generating added value for them. 

Strategic content dissemination channels

Within the creation of content for digital marketing, each company can study and decide between several strategic dissemination channels, depending on the positioning it wants to obtain and also the tastes of its target audience. In this case, we have selected some examples, but many other creative formats can also be applied that truly adapt and provide originality to each business model. 

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a powerful tool to create and distribute brand content to the audience in a direct and personalized way. You can send newsletters, make special promotions or open pre-sales or private sales, all through the content in the email. This channel, in addition to allowing you to maintain close contact with the target audience and increase traffic to the website, is also interesting because it provides accurate data and analytics for monitoring the strategy. Furthermore, today, with platforms like Mailrelay, a reliable email marketing tool and with the largest free account on the market, everyone can manage their content through email marketing in a simple and comprehensive way.

corporate blog

The corporate blog is another of the most fundamental channels for creating content aimed at SEO positioning. This is probably the most used strategy by all types of companies, which allows them to publish articles, news, tutorials or relevant information for consumers on a regular basis. A well-structured blog that is constantly updated is completely decisive for achieving good SEO positioning and also for establishing a relationship of trust with the target audience.

Social Media

Finally, the last channel most used to apply content marketing is social networks. Whether on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube or Linkedin, social networks are essential to publish and increase the reach of corporate content. In addition, they provide a more creative medium where the content goes beyond writing and allows you to play with audiovisual formats, infographics, podcasts and many other formulas that can be perfectly adapted to each business model. 

How to create your strategy from scratch

Finally, in order to start working on a strategic line of positioning based on content marketing, it is essential to follow a series of steps that will be decisive in successfully developing the campaign. First of all, the most important thing is to define the objectives that are pursued quantitatively and in the most concrete way possible. Once this point has been decided, it will be necessary to investigate the brand's audience in order to define the target audience that content marketing will impact. 

In addition, it is also necessary to carry out an exhaustive analysis that can result in the key words of the business, what content would be of interest to the audience, as well as generate a content calendar, where the topics analyzed and the timing of the content are set out. that will be published. Finally, the last step to create a good content marketing campaign to promote SEO positioning is to promote the content itself to increase reach. 

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