Artificial intelligence manages to beat humans in a video game

It is the AlphaStar intelligence from DeepMind.

The company owned by Google, Deepmind has been developing its own artificial intelligence system. It is called AlphaStar. During the last years, Deepmind was already beginning to develop a history of this intelligence, but it is currently when the company has already begun to train this intelligence making it have the ability to play any type of video game and learn about them through practice . Little by little more artificial intelligence appears that beats humans in video games, chess games, Go and others.

Artificial Intelligence VS human

After multiple tests and monitoring of this artificial intelligence with video games, those responsible for AlphaStar have announced that the intelligence has managed to achieve the grand master level in the strategy video game StarCraft II, defeating 99,8% of the competitive level players.

What's fascinating about this fact, too, is that artificial intelligence has been subjected to the rules of the game that can also govern humans. AlphaStar was trained to have the ability to control all three races that exist in the game and its ability was also limited so that it could observe only a portion of the game map, just like normal players.

Also AlphaStar had a training where the number of clicks it could execute with the mouse was set to only 22 actions that did not double in a span of 5 seconds. This helps balance the movement and performance that a normal human being has with the mouse in a game.

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Since AlphaStar began engaging with the video game in January to the present date, only 0,2% of gamers have had the courage to face and beat it in-game.

DeepMind is looking to be able to train its AI agents against versions of themselves on a large scale and power. To obtain the record of the most years of training in just a few months.

The impressive thing about this artificial intelligence that defeats humans is not only its ability to defeat them, but also that it is a game of intuition, so that in this the map of the video game appears as it progresses.

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