
How to track a mobile phone [FREE AND EASY]

Mobile phones are one of the essential elements in the life of each person today, in fact, a large part of our daily tasks depend a lot on them and for that reason when we lose it it is a real debacle. But did you know that there are some options you can use to find a lost mobile phone? Today in Citeia we will talk to you about how to track a mobile for free.

This process is not magical as claimed in some sites, really if you want track a mobile phone for free online without programs what you should do is pay attention to all the information that we will leave you in this informative post on this interesting topic.

Many services that promise to help you recover or, at least, that you know where your lost phone is are out of date. There are some methods that work, but they depend on some other process and not entirely on just entering a web page and providing your mobile data for tracking. But to God what is God's, there are also some services that are effective in finding a lost phone.

This time we will tell you how track a cell phone for free online without programs and what are the options that exist and that can really be of use to you. An important fact is that in order for you to use this type of service you need to have certain information about your mobile. Otherwise it will be very difficult for you to have help.

Requirements to know how to track a free phone online without programs

The main and most important thing is that you know the IMEI number of the cell phone. The IMEI of any mobile phone is the unique identification of each product. We can say that it is the identity document of your device and it is imperative that you know it.

Where do I find the IMEI number of my phone?

This is one of the questions that more people have asked themselves and it is better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it. For this reason, we invite you to write down your IMEI number in an agenda at once. To find it, you just have to remove the cover from your mobile and under the battery you will find a label with all the manufacturer's information.

In that information is the IMEI number, which is a series made up of 15 numbers, sometimes they can be less or more. But they are generally 15-digit series. Some mobiles have 2 codes, the ideal is that you write down both if necessary.

Another way to find the IMEI number of a mobile to track a phone for free online without programs It is by entering the settings of your phone. You must access the settings, then in the "About phone" section later in status and functions and in this part you can find the information you need.

It is also important that you know the exact model of your mobile device and the brand in case the service you are using to locate a lost phone should request it.

And as a gift and third option to know your IMEI is to type the following code on your mobile as if you were going to make a call: * # # 06

You will immediately have your IMEI on your screen so that if at any time you lose your mobile you can recover it.

Price of the service to know how to track a mobile for free

As for prices, we can say that it is relative, there are several specialized programs that are highly effective and paid. There are also other services that are moderately functional and that are free and on the other hand there are free and very good services that will help you locate your mobile only with the benefit of the advertising they offer.

If you want an exact figure we cannot give it due to the fluctuation of economic values ​​at present, prices change constantly and vary from one service to another. What we can tell you is that there are services that range from 5 euros to 20. But here we are for the free methods which are the ones that really interest us.

Many of the pages that offer the option of doing a search for a lost phone give you help in exchange for watching a video or participating as an audience of certain ads. To give you a clear example of the process, it would be the following:

  • You enter the page.
  • You look for the section to find your lost phone
  • You accept the terms and conditions
  • You watch a video or advertisement of less than 1 minute
  • Enter the data requested by the platform such as the IMEI number
  • You wait for the localization to take place

How services work to find a lost cell phone

For several years, a giant leap has been made in telecommunications technology and mobile phones have benefited greatly. They stopped being a simple device for talking and became a kind of laptop. With that came new features like the use of GPS in your system.

This makes the satellites able to locate the exact location of a device in real time Through the emission of a signal with return to the exit point. The applications that are dedicated to offering you the location of your mobile are also based on GPS systems.

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Methods to find a lost phone

How to track a phone for free via IMEI

As we mentioned before, this is the best known method since it is one of the most accurate that exists. The advantage of this process is that the location that is issued is usually very exact and is involved in more than 80% of successful cases. To use this method you just have to enter the IMEI code and wait for the tracking to be done.


Another of the most interesting methods is that this location technology used in principles for military purposes is used. This technology, however, has its shortcomings and that is that if your phone has airplane mode activated or GPS deactivated, it will not be possible to locate by this means.

Through google services

This consists of a method in which you really do not have to do much, it is about trying to find a lost phone with services like Google Home y Google Maps. For these to provide you with a location, you must have the permissions enabled on your device and have the Google account with which you are trying to find it active.

How to track a free mobile phone by number

This is another of the services offered on the web, many people say that it is useful and others say that it does not work. What we can tell you based on our inquiries is that you don't lose anything by trying.

There are several cases that are read by way of reviews that say that they could find their lost mobile only by entering the phone number.

There are many pages that in addition to helping you find the number by means of the IMEI number, they also do it by means of the telephone number. You can also go to your telephone company and ask about this service that is becoming increasingly popular in many countries around the world.

Find a lost mobile through applications

We have reached another of the important and most interesting points of this topic, it is about the real possibility that exists of find a lost phone for free. This is the option to do it with the help of specialized external applications.

We will talk about some of them, those that according to our research offer better results and that are available to everyone.


This is an excellent application that aims to help you locate the position of each member of your family (who is linked) and having this type of services is also useful for you to know how to track a free phone. We can use this location tool for lost mobiles free download from Playstore.

Find my device

Another of the best applications that we can mention in the work of finding a lost phone. We can also get for free from Playstore and to use it you only have to install it and configure the preferences of your choice. With this application to find a lost phone, you can see maps, make the mobile make sounds and see the latest activities.

How to find a lost mobile phone turned off

This is one of the most fatalistic scenarios for anyone, in fact we are not going to lie to you. It is very difficult for any lost phone tracking service to help you in this situation, this because both the GPS, the Google accounts, the IMEI system and all the applications are obsolete when the mobile is turned off.

The best recommendation we can give you in this case is that you do a tracking through the aforementioned options, but you will only be able to see the last points where the mobile was turned on.

From this point on, you can try to figure out where the phone is, but you will no longer have a real-time location. A good recommendation is that you search constantly in case someone finds the mobile and turns it on.

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What to do if I lose my phone

The first thing you should do is try to close all the accounts that you have open on your device. This can be done from a computer, it is important that you close all your social networks and emails on the device that is lost. To do this we will leave you a couple of examples so you know what you should do.

Close my Facebook on a lost phone

For this, what you need is to enter your account from another device, preferably from a PC and enter the account settings.

Now you enter logins and devices and there you can see in which devices your account is open. Selecting one will give you the option to "Close session on this device" by selecting that option the account will be automatically closed on the phone, tablet or pc you chose.

Close my Gmail account on a lost phone

In this case you must enter your email from the computer and in the lower right part, moving the directional bar to the bottom you will find a section that says "last account activity" there the time of the last connection will be shown.

Later, you look at the option that says details and when you enter it, all logins and devices are displayed. To log out of any of them you just select it and click to log out.

Important guidelines on how to track a phone for free

Lock a lost phone for free

There are people who, since they cannot find their mobile phone, what they do is resort to blocking it, telephone companies can usually block your device so that no one else can use it. This is somewhat hasty, since with the idea of ​​"If it is not mine, it does not belong to anyone" we may be facing a counterproductive measure.

There are many cases that we know of that rushed to block the mobile and that later they could find it. The downside is that they have it locked and generally this type of master lock is not reversible.

The recommendation What we give you is that you wait a prudent time to block it since there is a possibility that you will find it.

A desperate last resort to find your phone

This may sound a bit exaggerated and even unnecessary, but there are many cases in which people turn to the authorities. This is because police stations usually have the most current programs to search for a device. In other words, we can tell you that they have payment methods and that you can use for free.

To conclude, we can tell you that the options that exist to find a lost phone are real, the programs that are dedicated to it, as well as the free pages usually give good results. But remember that to use them effectively you need to have access to certain data on the phone.

Don't give up easily

One of the most common mistakes that many people make is that after having a failed attempt at a page to find out how to find a lost phone they give up the idea of ​​continuing with the search.

We have seen many accounts of people who tried another platform and this time they were successful. Services to find lost phones are like everything in life and some will work and some will not.

That is why it is important that you exhaust all the possibilities that you have at your fingertips, try through all the methods that we have explained throughout this post. And in case of not finding it, what we advise you is that you notify your contacts.

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