Earn money online

+10 ways to MAKE MONEY online this 2023 -【Quick Guide】

Generate income on the Web right now with this guide

Would you like it Earn money online and live on a salary that you can generate from home, but you have no idea how to get it? Many people are in your position, since it can seem like an insurmountable challenge to be able to get the forms of ganar dinero desde casa. Because of that, citeia.com put together this excellent article outlining the best ways to generate income from the web.

Is it difficult to get it? Of course not, the options that we are going to show you are very simple to reproduce. In some you will need an investment, but in in most cases you can start doing it right now. We will try to explain all these methods to you in a simple way so that you do not have problems when putting them into practice.

Where to sell Feet Photos? | Best apps to earn money selling these photos

Where to sell Feet Photos? | Best apps to earn money selling these photos

Do you want to sell Feet Photos, but you don't know how? In that case, we invite you to read the article that citeia.com has prepared for you.

We will only ask you if any of these methods of earning money work for you share the article with others so that more people can benefit from the information. If more to say, let's start with the information for you to start earning money online.

How to get money on internet?

Before starting to explain the ways there are to earn money online We are going to make some recommendations and explain a little about what this type of work is like. so you don't have problems. Working from the Web is possible and in fact it is a place where you can develop very well professionally.

Earn money online

Many people use the Internet to work from home chatting , whether a company hires them or they undertake their own projects. However, some things must be clear before starting to work on the Web. Things like the security of your data, the payment method and the way in which you can validate your experience are very important, so pay careful attention to this part.

Fraud when working on the Internet

The main problem with working on the Internet is that, by not having physical contact with the person(s) you work with, There may be problems of theft or fraud by the parties involved. Unfortunately, on several occasions people who start working tend to be victims of users who; either they don't want to pay them what is fair for their work or once they finish it they simply disappear without paying. These are some safety hazards when working from home.

So, the first thing to keep in mind when starting is look for platforms or methods to protect your data and your work of these types of users. That way you will not have problems and you can concentrate on generating income.

Virtual payment methods

Another factor that you must take into account when making money on the Internet is the way in which you are going to collect the money you earn. We say this because each country has a different policy that can make it easier or more difficult to earn money online (Which in most cases will be in dollars) and withdraw that money in your local currency.

There are multiple platforms with which you can receive payments, for example, Paypal, which is quite common, or Binance, which has become very popular. due to the ease with which you can change, withdraw or top up your balance. Study which platform offers you the greatest facilities and advantages so that you can easily receive money from your work.

Quality guarantees

Another factor to keep in mind when starting out is that on the Web, most people will not employ you or buy your product or services. unless they provide guarantees of their quality. Taking this into account, it is up to you to find a way to provide your clients, users or employers with the way in which they can verify that what you are selling them is what they are looking for.

How can I withdraw money from my Paypal account? - Paypal Guide

How can I withdraw money from my Paypal account? – Paypal Guide

Learn everything you need to know about Paypal and start receiving payments right now with the help of this article.

If you want to work as a Freelancer, one way to give guarantees is registering in forums or platforms that validate your work, in addition to offering a personal portfolio. On the other hand, if you are looking to sell products or services, you can ally yourself with companies or stores that are already renowned, on the Web pages such as Amazon, MercadoLibre or DropnShop they offer the possibilities to work with them as outside vendors.

You will see that if you follow these simple tips you will be able to get around on the Web and avoid any type of problem. Taking all this into account, now we are going to explain another very important point when deciding how to earn money online.

Difference between passive vs. active income

Whatever you are going to do on the Web to earn money, the first thing you have to consider is how you are going to earn that money. There are 2 main ways in which income can be generated, which are of the form passive and active and then we are going to show you the differences between each one and the advantages they have.

Earn money online

Active Income

Active income is all the ways in which a person get money doing some kind of work. On the Internet there are many ways to work actively and everything will depend on the knowledge and experience you have. Among the advantages that this way of generating income we can highlight these 4:

  • Schedule flexibility
  • You can choose how much to charge
  • you work from the comfort of your house
  • You are your own boss

For example, you can be a graphic designer, sell any type of product or service, be a content writer for Web pages, a programmer between a long etcetera and receiving a salary or payment for your work directly. Dedicate yourself to this if you have the time, since online jobs, like other types of work, will require you to dedicate a large part of your time to the craft.

Passive Income

Unlike assets, passive income is another form of make money online that many people who already have a stable job use, since it consists of receiving income without having to be actively working. It is enough to do some kind of work beforehand and receive the reward. Among the advantages of this way of working are these 4:

  • You will work in very short periods or flat you will not work.
  • This type of business usually they are scalable.
  • They often require little financing.
  • This type of investment can grow your wealth

As you can see, working online is quite profitable and profitable for anyone. Ideally, you should apply both models in your strategy to become a virtual worker. Knowing this, we can finally begin to tell you the ways to earn money online that we recommend. Pay close attention to them and use the ones that most attract your attention.

10 ways to earn money online

First of all we must tell you that on the Web There are many business models and professions that you can practice. We will only place here what we consider to be the simplest and safest options to earn money online. Of course, everything will depend on your effort and dedication to achieve your goals.

1. Affiliate Marketing

Earn money online
Advantages of Affiliate MarketingDisadvantages of Affiliate Marketing
Low-medium investmentHigh-Medium Difficulty
High Potentialhigh competition
Passive IncomeSEO knowledge

El Affiliate Marketing is one of the easiest ways to passively earn money online.. It is also the one that is most recommended for people who are just beginning to investigate within this world. It consists of creating Web pages where you recommend products and make reviews where you will then leave links so that users can buy them in a Virtual store.

It is a fairly safe and simple system to apply and almost You don't need almost any investment if you create the Webs yourself. You will only have to pay for the server and the domains for everything to work and once they are set up you can even forget about them and they will still generate money.

How to sell intimate photos? | Apps to sell intimate, Sexy or Nude photos

How to sell intimate photos? Apps to sell intimate, Sexy or Nude photos

Find out how to sell intimate photos and generate a good monthly income here.

Requirements to do Affiliate Marketing:

  • Buy domain and a server. You can see the best domain providers HERE.
  • Create your website: Something you can do easily and quickly once you have the required knowledge and experience. You can see how to create a website here
  • Create the content: You must write good product reviews that attract the attention of users. 
  • Position the Web: You must learn SEO strategies in order to get views.

Of course, you will also need to have affiliation to the virtual store, Amazon is the perfect option for this, since it has a wide variety of products and an excellent Affiliate system that you can use to generate income.


How to do digital marketing and make money article cover

2. Create Websites and monetize them with Adsense

Earn money online
Advantages of a website with AdsenseDisadvantages of a website with Adsense
Medium-Low InvestmentHigh-Medium Difficulty
Easy to configure and Managehigh competition
Passive incomeSEO knowledge

The next way you can earn money online is creating a blog and monetize it with Adsense. In this way, users who see your content will automatically generate money for you when they press advertising thanks to a system called Pay Per Click or PPC. Google is one of the biggest companies in the world so it is quite safe to work with their system.

So, what you will have to do is generate eye-catching articles that attract views and hope that people click on the advertising that Google shows on your website. Search for topics and generate relevant content that is popular on the web to maximize your income.

Requirements to create a website with Adsense:

  • Buy domain and a server
  • Choose a theme and create good content
  • Design the website
  • Study the market and apply SEO strategies to position

In addition to all this, you must request monetization in Adsense so that Google can review it. Once you have verified that your website is suitable to be able to place your ads, the only thing you will need to do is check periodically and continue generating quality content.

How to CREATE A WEB and monetize it with ADSENSE

Create a website and monetize it with Adsense article cover

3. Sell ​​courses on your Blog

Earn money online
Advantages of selling coursesDisadvantages of selling courses
Low InvestmentLow conversion rate
high potentialYou must master the subject
Passive incomegrowth can be slow

Selling courses is the next method that we are going to show you to earn money online. This method consists of Create a Blog and position yourself as an expert on the subject to then sell a course or courses on that subject. The important thing is that the training you offer solves a real problem so that you can attract customers.

This method is one of the best if you want to earn money completely passively, since all you have to do is add the courses and wait for users to buy them. The process will take time and will require you to create very high-quality content that delivers results and exposure on the web.

Requirements to sell courses on the Web:

  • Buy domain and server
  • Own verifiable knowledge of what you are going to sell
  • Skills Digital marketing

If teaching is something that you are passionate about doing, surely the final result will be very rewarding, since you will be helping many people and generating income in the process. On average, a good course website can earn an average of $1000 passively once it ranks, so don't miss out on trying.


online courses

4. Offer your services on specialized pages

Earn money online
Advantages of offering your servicesDisadvantages of offering your services
Investment 0High Difficulty
you are your own bossRequires specialization
you gain experiencethere is a lot of competition
You grow your portfolioLow Potential
You decide how and when to workactive income

Continuing with the list, we have the option of offering services to companies or users on the Web in exchange for money. This type of activity usually It will be linked to the skills you have and it consists of searching for specialized websites where you can register and carry out a marketing campaign offering your services.

Freelancer work is one of the most common ways that professionals have to work on the Web, since they can be their own boss and do not have to go to an office to work. The problem with this type of work is the limitations that you will have to scale this business and the time that you will have to dedicate to it to obtain said income.

Requirements to offer your services on the Web:

  • test of your skills, knowledge and experience
  • Have a good computer with internet connection
  • Register on specialized pages like Freelancer, Fiver or other platforms

It is not difficult to get clients if you have good skills and experience, but it does take time. So that, If you know graphic design, SEO analysis, writing, programming or any other trade then start working on the Internet right now.

5. Be a Virtual Assistant

Earn money online
Advantages of working as a Virtual AssistantDisadvantages of working as a Virtual Assistant
Low InvestmentYou must have a large part of your time
you work from homeRequires specialization
Low DifficultyMedium-Low Potential

Another way that you can generate income online from home is being a Virtual Assistant and work for a person for a certain number of hours a day. In general, this type of work is one of the simplest, but it requires some training and mastery of common office programs due to the tasks that you will have to do.

How to earn money watching videos online? | Guide to earn income from home 

Discover the ways to earn money from home by watching videos on the Internet in this guide

Tasks to be done by a virtual assistant:

  • Chronic Disease emails
  • Management social media
  • Management of the agenda
  • Billing and collections
  • image design
  • Group management WhastApp o Facebook
  • Writing articles for websites
  • Edition of audio and video
  • Technical support o commercial
  • Survey analysis and organizing events

As you can see, there are a wide variety of skills that a virtual assistant You must drive in order to be competent. But if you have all these skills and are interested, you can charge an average of $4 an hour for your services. In this list you can get several companies where to work as a virtual assistant.

There are specialized pages that are dedicated to connecting companies with users who want to work in this way, such as People Per Hor, WorKana or the same Frelancer that you can try As for how much you can earn, it is $4 an hour but it can be more depending on the project that must be handled.

Platforms where to work as a VIRTUAL ASSISTANT

virtual assistant

6. Earn money watching videos online

Earn money online
Advantages of making money watching videosDisadvantages of making money watching videos
Investment 0You must have a large part of your time
Low DifficultyRequires good internet
you have fun while you workwork is monotonous

Have you ever wondered how many hours a day we spend watching videos on the Internet? The truth is many if you are used to consuming content from the Web. Well what would you say if I told you that you can earn money doing what you would otherwise have done for free?

Exactly, you can earn money watching videos online very easily and quickly. All you have to do is go to specialized platforms, register and start earning money. These pages can be MyPoints, Nielsen or ImboxDollars.

Requirements to earn money watching videos:

  • good internet
  • Computer moderately powerful
  • Time
  • Sign up for a portal give you the videos

The amount of money you can earn will depend on the type of video you watch, you can earn money by watching ads, short videos, series and movies or TV shows. Each of those trades are paid at a certain rate, but on average you can earn at least $200 a month if you put in the effort to work diligently.

Platforms to MAKE MONEY watching videos

7. Earn money doing surveys

Earn money online
Advantages of doing SurveysDisadvantages of doing Surveys
low investmentDifficulty High-medium
easy jobNot available in all regions
Help develop a productwork is monotonous

Earning money doing surveys is another way of ways to generate income from the Internet that you can explore. It is one of the most common ways to actively earn income where the user must answer questionnaires for companies. The information you provide will be used to create new products or services, so you'll also be helping other people.

You will find these questionnaires on specialized pages such as Zoombucks, Timebucks or Surveytime. Working surveying on the Web can generate monthly income of between $200 to $300 if you are dedicated and on our Web you will have everything you need to start.

Requirements to earn money doing surveys:

  • good internet
  • pc with a good RAM
  • A VPN service (In some cases)
  • Others temporary emails
  • Applications of Clean History and Cache
  • A lot of time
  • be enrolled in a specialized page for surveys

The process is a bit complex, but once you understand the way money is made it is quite easy to replicate it. So read our guide very carefully so you can start generating income this way today.


How to make money doing surveys | Guide to doing surveys

8. Earn money chatting

Earn money online
Advantages of ChatDisadvantages of Chat
Investment 0Takes time
Help other usersYou must deal with other users
Low Difficultyactive income

Chatting is another way you can earn money on the Internet actively that you can start today. Many companies and individuals are looking for users who express themselves very well when writing to talk to others and attend to their needs. So if you are communicative this job is the one for you.

Platforms like Chat Operator or Chat Center looking for people for customer service, as technical support or for advertising campaigns all the time. It is a comfortable job with a lot of offer, since as well as this one there are other pages where you can register and start working chatting with other people today.

Requirements to earn money chatting:

  • Internet connection
  • Sign up on the platforms corresponding
  • Know write well in the languages ​​you place
  • Have the Time to work the hours assigned to you
  • Have a profession or be an expert on a subject (Optional)

A person who works as a chat operator can earn around $300 a month If it is proposed. Of course, each company works differently and with different rates. So it is recommended that you examine them before starting to be able to choose the one that offers the most income. We invite you to analyze the guide we have in this regard so that you can start working in this way.

Platforms to MAKE MONEY chatting with foreigners

How to make money chatting? article cover

9. Earn money selling intimate photos

Earn money online
Advantages of Selling Intimate PhotosDisadvantages Selling Intimate Photos
Low Investmentyou expose yourself
High PotentialYou must deal with users
Low DifficultyYou can take time to take off
Passive incomeYou must know about Marketing

Are you a woman and want to earn money online? In that case I invite you to use this method to pay to earn money. Selling Sexy photos is a way in which many people have managed to generate income that exceeds $1000 per month, since this sector has a large number of consumers.

Many people and pages are willing to pay for the content you generate and once you have a good audience, income is guaranteed. There are various pages where you can sell your intimate photos such as onlyfans where you will have a community of users ready to buy your content.

How to make money doing surveys | Guide to doing surveys

How to make money doing surveys | Guide to doing surveys

Learn how to earn money doing surveys with the guide that we are going to show you.

Requirements to sell intimate photos:

  • Take care of your figure and exercise
  • To know about image edition and Digital marketing (Optional)
  • Register in one of the respective platforms
  • Own a virtual wallet to collect the money

This type of work is not for everyone, but if you have no problem exposing your body on the Internet at Citeia.com We have a guide that explains in more detail how you can earn money this way. If not, we also have a similar but less explicit option to earn money.

Platforms to MAKE MONEY selling intimate photos

How to sell intimate photos? | Apps to sell intimate, Sexy or Nude photos

10. Make Money Selling Feet Photos

Earn money online
Advantages of Selling Feet PhotosDisadvantages of Selling Feet Photos
Low Investmentyou must expose yourself
High PotentialYou must deal with users
Low DifficultyYou can take time to take off

Continuing with the previous topic, in case you want to earn money on the Internet, but you do not want to expose your body, an option that you can study is to sell photos of feet. Being a foot model is very simple and does not require exposing your identity.

Many companies and people look for this type of material for various things such as advertising or to satisfy fetishes And they are willing to pay a lot of money. So if you want to earn selling photos of feet, we invite you to see the guide we have on the matter.

Requirements to sell photos of feet:

  • take care of your feet
  • Know retouch images y digital marketing industry (Optional)
  • Sign up the corresponding platforms
  • Have payment methods for withdraw the money

There are several pages where you can earn money selling photos such as Feet Finder or Feetify. Each one has a different rate, but on average you can sell photo packs for $20 each. Many of these platforms work under a subscription system in order to get the most income. So we invite you to analyze this option.

11. Earn money on TikTok

Earn money online
Advantages of working at TikTokDisadvantages of working on TikTok
Low InvestmentYou must know about Marketing
High-Medium PotentialYou must know editing
You are free to createthere is a lot of competition

Many people do not know that you can make money with TikTok, but the truth is that there are several ways in which you can do it. For example, you can earn money by getting people to join the social network through a page referral system.

Another way you can earn money is making content on the web, being part of the creators of TikTok, this company will pay you depending on your visits and the publicity you have through a system similar to that of YouTube. Finally, you can earn money through donations from other people in the direct ones you do.

Requirements to earn money on TikTok:

  • Having a cell phone with good camera
  • To know about video edition
  • To know about Digital marketing (Optional)
  • Create relevant content and have an audience

You will have more information about how much TikTok pays and how to collect the money on our website. But we can tell you that many people continue to work on this platform without problems.

12. Earn money on STEAM

Earn money online
Advantages of STEAMSteam Disadvantages
High-Medium InvestmentHigh difficulty
High-medium potentialExtensive programming knowledge
Passive Incomedesign knowledge

Many people use the STEAM platform all the time to buy games and play games, but few people see this website as an opportunity to make money with it. The truth is that there are many ways to earn money, for example, you can try games, sell items, mods, cards and gift cards.

You can also play the games on this platform and go direct to earn money with donations. For that, you can use apps like Twich to do direct. You can also make summaries of those Gameplays and upload them to your YouTube channel. The limit is your imagination and your abilities to see a potential business on this page.

Requirements to be able to earn money on Steam:

  • Have a Steam account
  • Knowledge of the video game industry
  • Know programming or design of Video Games (In case you sell games, mods or other things)
  • have free time

Earning money on Steam is only for certain types of people whose skills allow them to see the potential of this platform. If you are one of them, you can easily generate more than 500 dollars per month or even more if you are a video game developer. If you want more information, we invite you to see our guide to earn money on Steam.

13. Use Apps to earn money

Earn money online
Advantages of using appsDisadvantages of using apps
Investment 0You must have a large part of your time
Low DifficultyLow Potential
Flexible workingwork is monotonous
It can be done from the phoneLow incomes

To finish the list, we recommend you use apps to generate money from your cell phone in case the previous options have not caught your attention. You can download these apps in no time and they will allow you to earn money while you play from your mobile. One of these applications that we recommend you use is called clipclaps, but there are many more.

However, it is crucial that you be careful when choosing the app to make money that you are going to use, since not all of them are reliable. in Citeia we have a guide where we will show you the best apps so you can easily earn money from your cell phone.

Requirements to earn money with apps:

  • Having a mid-range cell phone or higher
  • have a good Internet connection
  • To dedicate time for apps

The earnings you can generate using these apps is usually $100 or less, but everything will depend on the app and the jobs you choose and the area where you live. For more information, we recommend that you analyze the guide we have for you, so you can start generating income from the Web today.

Writer's Final Conclusion

Today, after the Covid-19 pandemic, companies and people in general saw the need to automate the economic activities of their companies. Nevertheless, For several years now, there has been an increasingly latent trend of those known as tele-work.

Many people are interested in this topic and want to know how to earn money online from home, either because they want more comfort or because they simply cannot opt ​​for a face-to-face job. That's why, citeia.com dedicated to develop this article showing what for us are the best options to generate income on the Web.

We hope that all these ideas have been useful to you to earn money online. If this article has been useful to you, we invite you to share it with others so they can count on this information. Follow the rest of the guides that we are going to publish on our page so that you can learn new ways to earn money and thus be able to make a living from the Web.

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