
What is the processionary caterpillar season and why you should prepare

The arrival of the processionary caterpillar season can bring with it various problems for the natural environment and the health of humans and pets. These problems and diseases include: skin irritation, respiratory problems, allergic reactions, damage to pets, damage to vegetation and infestation problems. All these points will be detailed later, we invite you to see everything you will find in the text.

In this article, we'll explore what processionary caterpillar season is, its life cycle, why you should prepare, and how tools like the processionary necklace and processionary traps may be essential in this context.

To start off in the best way, we are going to guide you with the basics of what the processionary caterpillar season is.

How to protect yourself during processionary caterpillar season

What is Processionary Caterpillar Season?

La processionary caterpillar season (also known as Thaumetopoea pityocampa) refers to the period in which these small creatures become most active and visible in their life cycle. Processionary caterpillars are known for their dangerous potential by releasing stinging hairs that can cause severe allergies in humans and harm pets.

It is commonly found in some regions of Europe, including the Iberian Peninsula. The name “processionary” comes from their characteristic behavior of moving in a line or procession when they are looking for food or a place to pupate, which is nothing more than the process of transforming an insect larva into a pupa, an intermediate stage in its development. before becoming an adult insect.

After this whole process, let's see what the life cycle of this animal is.

Life Cycle of the Processionary Caterpillar

Although they are often seen as pests due to the problems they can cause to trees and human health, processionary caterpillars also have their place in the ecosystem. They are part of the food chain, and their populations are often controlled by natural predators such as birds and other insects.

Furthermore, its pupation and transformation process is a surprising example of nature in action. The life cycle of the processionary caterpillar involves several stages, let's see:


It all starts with the egg stage. The adult female processionary caterpillar lays her eggs on tree branches, usually in the summer or early fall months. The eggs are small and can be difficult to spot, but they are there, waiting for the right time to hatch.


When spring arrives and temperatures begin to rise, the eggs hatch and larvae appear. These small caterpillars are voracious leaf eaters. They gather in groups and begin to devour the leaves of the trees. This is the stage when processionary caterpillars become more visible and may form long lines, like a procession, while searching for food.


After feeding for a while, the larvae of the processionary caterpillar enter the pupal stage. During this phase, they look for a safe place to pupate, usually underground. Here, they transform internally into a structure called a pupa. During this metamorphosis, the caterpillars transform into what they will be as adults. It is as if they are preparing for their next stage of life.


After a period of time that can vary depending on environmental conditions, processionary caterpillars emerge as adults. These adults are nocturnal moths and do not live long. Its main objective at this stage is to reproduce. The adult females lay eggs in the trees, and thus the life cycle of the processionary caterpillar begins again.

What is the season for the Processionary Caterpillar?

The processionary caterpillar season generally varies depending on the geographic location and climatic conditions of each region. However, in many areas where processionary caterpillars are found, the season typically spans the winter and early spring months, from approximately November to April.

During these colder months, processionary caterpillars tend to be more active and visible. The reason behind this specific season is related to its life cycle. Processionary caterpillars spend most of their time as larvae during these months, feeding on tree leaves before pupating and becoming adults in the spring or summer.

Reasons to Prepare for Processionary Caterpillar Season

Preparing during processionary caterpillar season is essential to keeping your family, pets, and natural environment safe. Preparation during processionary caterpillar season is essential for several reasons:

Human and Pet Health

The first reason to prepare for processionary caterpillar season is health. Processionary caterpillars have stinging hairs that can cause skin irritation, itching, and rashes in humans. In more severe cases, inhaling these hairs can cause respiratory problems, especially in people with allergies or asthma.

But that is not all! Our beloved pets, such as dogs and cats, are also at risk. If an animal comes into contact with processionary caterpillars or their hairs, they may experience skin irritation, eye inflammation, and even respiratory problems. Therefore, it is essential to protect your family and your furry friends. For this we have prepared the list of tools to face this season that is at the end of the article, let's continue...

Damage to Vegetation

The second reason to prepare is to care for the nature that surrounds us. Processionary caterpillar larvae feed on tree leaves, which can cause significant damage to vegetation. This weakens the trees and can negatively impact their ability to grow and thrive.

Maintaining a healthy natural environment is essential for biodiversity and ecological balance, so controlling the proliferation of processionary caterpillars is a way to contribute to the preservation of our environment.

Pest Prevention

The third reason to prepare is to prevent a possible infestation. If proper measures are not taken, the population of processionary caterpillars can increase rapidly and become a pest in your area.

Controlling them effectively can prevent them from becoming a widespread problem, which in turn protects the health of the trees and prevents future problems.

Essential Tools: Processionary Collar and Processionary Traps

To deal with the processionary caterpillar season effectively, it is crucial to have the right tools. Two of the most important are the processionary collar and processionary traps.

Processionary Necklace

El processionary necklace It is a protection tool designed specifically for your pets, such as dogs. This is a device that is placed around your furry friend's neck to prevent them from coming into contact with processionary caterpillars or their stinging hairs. These collars are usually impregnated with repellent substances that deter caterpillars.

How is it used?

Select a Suitable Necklace: Be sure to choose a collar specifically designed to protect pets against processionary caterpillars. These collars are usually impregnated with repellent substances that deter caterpillars.

Place the Collar on your Pet: Fasten the collar around your dog's neck following the manufacturer's instructions. Make sure it fits comfortably, but not too tight.

Supervise your Pet: From there, your pet will be protected while wearing the collar. However, it is important to continue to supervise it while it is outdoors to ensure that it does not approach processionary caterpillars.

Processionary Traps

Processionary traps are devices designed to capture caterpillars and prevent their proliferation. These traps usually contain pheromones that attract caterpillars, helping to control their population effectively. Strategically placing traps around your property can be an effective preventive measure.

How are they used?

Place Traps Strategically: Identify areas where processionary caterpillars are a problem and place traps in those locations. They can be installed on tree trunks or on the ground, according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Follow the manufacturer's instructions: Each type of trap may have specific instructions. Be sure to follow the directions provided by the manufacturer to maximize its effectiveness.

Monitor and Empty Traps: Check the traps regularly to see if they have captured caterpillars. If you find caterpillars in the traps, be sure to remove them and dispose of them safely. This will help reduce the caterpillar population in your area.

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