
How to drive away the pigeons from my house without killing them?

We teach you how to eliminate pigeons from home or from a building with ease.

Would you like scare away the pigeons from your house, but you don't know how to do it? Do not worry, since we are going to teach you how in this article. Many people have problems with pigeons in their homes, but few know how to deal with those problems correctly.

For this reason, in collaboration with y dedicated to pest treatments, we are going to teach you some tips that you can follow to stop having problems with birds. Just follow our guide and you will see that in no time at all your problems with these animals will improve.

drive away pigeons

How to scare away pigeons at home?

Scaring away pigeons from your house is not an easy task, but there are several ways to do it. Just pay attention to the methods that we are going to show you and you will see how you can easily scare away pigeons.

Use "visual repellents" that scare away pigeons

You can repel pigeons by using visual repellants such as reflective tape, bird of prey statues, bubble tape, and warning tape. These visual repellents should be placed in places that are visible and intuitive to birds, such as eaves, window frames, and roof tile seams.

Buy a Scarecrow for pigeons and birds

Placing a scarecrow with a movement system that makes them move every so often keeps the pigeons away. In addition, these devices have a longer lifespan and are more weather resistant than a homemade one. If you want to create a homemade scarecrow, you should know that if it is static it will not have the same effectiveness.

Best Scarecrows for Pigeons on Rooftops and Rooftops

These scarecrows will make the pigeons uncomfortable on your roof so they won't want to perch.

Best scarecrows for gardens and pools

These scarecrows will scare the pigeons when they see them since they usually represent predatory animals that cause terror to the pigeons.

Purchase and install pigeon spikes or “anti-pigeon” spikes

The anti-pigeon spikes They are an effective way to scare away pigeons at home. These spikes are placed on surfaces where pigeons perch, such as railings, window sills, etc. These devices can be purchased at a hardware store or online. Anti-pigeon spikes are usually placed on a surface to prevent pigeons from perching and thus scare them away. Here we recommend two of the best skewers on the market in Spain.

Block access to the area with pigeon nets

You can block the access of pigeons to your house by placing a anti pigeon net around the house, ensuring that the holes are small enough that pigeons cannot enter through them. You can also lay down wire mesh to cover open spaces in your house. Another option is to increase the lighting in the area, since pigeons generally avoid the brightest areas.

Scare away pigeons with Avishock

The Avishock are electrical systems that emit very small discharges and scare the pigeons without causing them any type of damage.

How to drive away pigeons: other methods

The methods to repel pigeons that we mentioned above are not the only ones available. Next, we are going to provide you with others that may be useful if the problem is more serious than it seemed.

chemical repellents

To scare away pigeons at home, you can place objects of different shapes and sizes in places where pigeons usually congregate, such as windows, balconies, terraces, etc. This will help discourage them from perching. You can also place masking tape with a shiny surface for distraction.

To repel pigeons with chemical repellents, chemicals specially formulated to deter pigeons can be used. These products are sprayed around the places where pigeons usually congregate. It is also possible to place liquid products near the pigeons to keep them away.

Hang several CDs to scare them away or ultrasonic devices

The best way to scare away pigeons at home is by hanging several CDs of different colors. This is because the flashes of light disorient the pigeons and drive them away. You can also try an ultrasound device, which is a small device that emits a sound that is inaudible to humans, but annoying to pigeons.

Why is it so important to keep them away from your home?

Scaring away pigeons from your house is extremely important because these animals can transmit diseases to humans. There are several pathologies transmitted by pigeons, but here we are going to mention only the most outstanding so that you can take into account the seriousness of the matter.

-        Histoplasmosis: Histoplasmosis is a life-threatening infectious disease that can be transmitted to humans through inhalation of pigeon urine and droppings. This disease manifests itself in the form of cough, chest pain, chills, fever and necrotizing fasciitis in the most severe cases. Exposure to pigeon droppings can also lead to infections of the eyes, respiratory tract, and nervous system.

-        Cryptococcosis: Cryptococcosis is also a disease transmissible to humans through inhalation of pigeon droppings. This disease is characterized by fever, headache, cough, shortness of breath, and fatigue. Also, it can cause encephalitis, which is an inflammation of the brain.

-        Psittacosis: Psittacosis is an infectious disease also transmitted to humans through inhalation of pigeon droppings. Common symptoms of this disease include fever, cough, headache, weakness, chills, and muscle pain. Psittacosis can have serious complications, such as tuberculous meningitis and encephalitis. As you can see, treating this type of pest is extremely important for the health of your family, so we recommend talk to an expert if the problem becomes uncontrollable.

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