
How to play guide Rust – Learn everything about this game

It is the new phenomenon in the video game sector and there is already a wave of content on various platforms. For that reason today we will extend the information about what it is about Rust and a how to play guide Rust.

Let's start by learning a little more about these famous video games, which is on everyone's lips. Rust It is a game of persistence and survival, created by Garry Newman of the company Facepunch Studio.

Next, we explain that this game is not entirely new, it was taken from the known survival genre, and has risen exponentially thanks to its sagacity.

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It was officially released on February 8, 2018, however, it had been in an advanced direction since 2013. Therefore, its arrival obtained excellent comments and receptivity from the thousands of fans of this type of video game.

How to play Rust?

In the same way, we will tell you what this game is based on, how you will be able to have fun in a regulatory manner and thus be able to use it from all the available options. That way you will see the correct guide on how to play Rust In a simple way.

Now, first of all we must remember as we said at the beginning of this guide that the video game has been in existence for more than 5 years. But now it has become very popular because the most recognized and applauded Youtubers and streamers worldwide, since they are playing it,

On the other hand, in Anglo-Saxon speaking countries, the boom of playing Rust at the end of last year, which has allowed for very good results. The game has reached the Spanish-speaking countries in which it was decided to continue the steps already advanced and start playing Rust.

such has been the media euphoria Rust, that has given rise to the premiere of the series called ““Egoland”, which was a total success in 2021. Its popularity has been so great that on January 7 the second part of egoland 2, achieving equal success with around a little over a million assists.

How to play guide Rust - Learn everything about this game

What would be the basic tools in Rust?

In the first place, what we must do without a doubt is not to play without having at least the first elements that the game provides us, since they will be our license to survive in Rust.

On the other hand, losing the stone or the candle might not be good news, it would be certain death, so you have to be wary when playing a game like this. As the first purpose What we would have to ensure is the foundation of a stone axe, for those players who require it, they usually ask for resources such as wood or stone.

As a strategy of how to get the wood, let's approach a good tree to get wood. To do this, we simply go and approach a tree until we get a rock and start hitting the tree hard.

This work benefits by gathering resources in wood; The truth is not difficult, it is something simple. In the same order of idea, the process is repeated until the amount of wood that is going to be needed is collected, which will appear in our inventory.

You have to be very careful, just as it happens in real life, in Rust the medium is not considerable. So it is convenient to be cautious when exhausting the various remains within our reach.

How to play guide Rust - Learn everything about this game

for stone production

As for stone production, it can be carried out through some large rocks that we will find on the ground from the universe of Rust, usually near the river. The procedure is very similar, crushing these rocks with the stone will earn stone resources, so essential for the progress of the game.

In the main and very important menu you will be able to get that stone axe, which, once the mandatory resources have been incorporated, its crafting will appear as favorable. After completing this process we will be calm and we will have our main instrument of Rust. With this we will get the ax to help us with the achievement of the wood.

Despite all the above, we must not trust and protect stone resources, the second important tool will be the stone pickaxe. This object will allow you to reach stone without wasting the natural resources that Rust, offers us in the game for free.

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It is necessary to be clear about what is important from what is urgent, we must never forget the basics, how are the health, hunger and thirst. If we lose perspective, we get closer to death, a situation that should not be fostered but on the contrary, in this game nothing is superfluous. Knowing these important details you already have a simple guide on how to play Rust.

We have been asked how much the Rust, based on graphics NVIDIA GTX 670 2GB/AMD Radeon HD 7870 2GB or better. DirectX: Version 11. Network: Broadband Internet link. Provision: 10 GB of space available.

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