
Administrator commands in Rust [Ready]

This time we have a very good article, and these are the administrator instructions or commands in Rust. If you are interested in being an administrator in this game, this cannot be overlooked.

These commands will be useful only if you are an administrator of a server Rust. So it is not possible, under any point of view, that they can be used by any other player. On the other hand, we also leave the list of commands for players of Rust.

So you just have to be aware that you are an administrator so that you can use each and every one of the administrator commands and instructions in Rust that we leave you next.

Complete command list

F1: It helps you to open the game console on your keyboard Rust.

Good: Activate God mode

Ban [name]: Used to ban a player.

Banid [SteamID]: ban users with the Steam ID.

banlist: Shows banned users.

Client.connect ip: port: Connect via IP and port to a server.

client.disconnect: Disconnect from the server you are currently on.

Ind *: It manages to list each and every one of the console commands that are enabled at that moment.

graphics.drawdistance: Adjusts the way objects are seen from a distance.

graphics.fov: Adjusts the viewing range for panorama and still images.

graphics.quality: Sets the quality of the graphs.

graphics.shadowdist: sets the distance of the shadows.

net.visdebug: Activates the debugging screen.

server.globalchat: Used to allow global chat.

Find [name]: Show all find commands.

Inventory.give [idObject]: Used to place an object on any player.

Inventory.givebp [idObject]: It is used to give a certain plane to any player.

kickall: Disconnect all players.

Moderator [SteamID]: Grant admin privileges to any player via their Steam ID.

Removemoderator [SteamID]: Remove administrator privileges.

Rcon.login password: It lets you connect to the console using the password, it is the fastest and easiest thing to do.

Say "[message]": Put a text in the chat. Save the changes to the server.

server.writecfg: Save all changes to restart the server.

Spectate: Play as a spectator.

Before proceeding with the administrator commands to Rust we invite you to see how to complete the hidden achievements of Rust.

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Notice.Popupa11: With this, you can send a message to each and every one of the players on the server in a total way.

.status: It is what the list of all the players that are connected to the server that you administer tells you in a simple and easy way.

.kick: It has the name of the player, and it also suspends the player that you indicate to the system.

Urban11: It allows you to remove the restriction when you already consider it, of each and every one of the players who were expelled for whatever reasons.

Truth.focus True-alsoes: It lets you activate or deactivate everything that is the expulsion system automatically at the precise moment that you can detect a Hack.

Save.all: It allows you to save in the best way the current state of your managed server.

Telereport.toplayer: It helps you to carry out the transportation of a player to another place with the coordinates already described previously.

Inv.giveall object: This is nothing more than the amount you give to all the players you manage on your server.

.dmg.godmode True / False: With this, you will be able to activate and deactivate the mode known as God mode for administrators.

Crafting.complete: It allows you to complete each and every one of the crafting activities you have in progress.

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Crafting and Drops by admin commands in Rust

Craft.add: Add a crafting.

craft.cancel: Cancel a crafting.

Crating.instantat_admins: It is what activates or deactivates what is automatic crafting, but only for those who are administrators.

airdrop.drop: This is about air supplies, as long as you reach the minimum number of users that is already established in advance.

.vehicle.spaw: It helps you to appear a car in what would already be your position.

.vehicle.ejectall: It is what allows you to get out of the car whenever you need to.

server.hostname: Sets the name of the server.

.server.clienttimeout: It is not more than the dead time, but calculated in minutes. This happens most of all in cases of automatic expulsion for whatever reasons.

.server. maxplayers: With this you can realize the number of players that are allowed within what is the capacity of a server.

server.saveinterval: It is the number of seconds between each autosave.

.server.strteamn group: This is a way to allow the connection only to users that are within the Steam list that you must previously configure.

server.tickrate: Sets the number of ticks per second, the lower the amount, the higher the performance.

server.identity: It is the identification of your server.

server.level: It is the map where you start.

.sleepers. On true: It is what lets you do what is known as activating or deactivating the sleepers.

We are sure that if you use this list of Administrator Commands Rust you will be able to manage your server well.

.env.timescale: It is the established value of the time that lasts one day, but depending on the assigned value that has been established as the assigned value of 0.0066666667

.falldamge.enabled True / false: It manages to deactivate everything that has to do with damage from any type of fall.

.player.backpacklocktime: It is nothing more than the time calculated in seconds. And it is also what sets the time before the backpack closes.

skincol: Changes the player's skin color.

skin mesh: Change your face.

Skintex: change the texture of your skin.

terrain.quality: Sets the quality level of the terrain.

Vis.attack: Activates the debugging screen for attacks.

Vis.metab: Activates the metabolism clearance screen.

Vis.triggers: Show Trigger entries.

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