
What are the best Roblox escape games – The most played

With creativity, the developers of online games give each of their players a place in Roblox escapes. Although we have different games, they are all valuable and we all need each other to be able to play. These developers help us understand this important lesson; How?

We should not say that we do not need other players to be able to play, since to make it more dynamic and fun we must value each one of them. In what games can we show that we perform better?

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In this article, we will first see what Roblox escape games are; and then we will analyze what are the best Roblox escape games.

What are Roblox escape games

Roblox escape games are multiple games that originated in 2006, where in these we can play from various platforms. Roblox escape games have a very unique feature, and that is that they offer the different participants the possibility of establishing their proper world.

This fact is due to the fact that it is then shared with society; what he has achieved that he has more than 5 million makers of these games.

These worlds that the players create, it is simply with the mission of flee from an enemy, entity or place, where the player is trapped. To perform this leak, it should not take that long, it must be done in the shortest possible time and with different levels of conflict.

In addition, players must overcome different difficulties that will require physical and reasoning skills, including parkour and mathematical challenges.


What are the best Roblox escape games

There are a variety of online games, but among the best Roblox escape games. We can find the following that we will detail to you in continuity: Escape from the mall Game, Rob the Rosino Game, Baldi is Basic Parkour Escape Game and Flood Escape Game.

Game Escape from the mall

One of the games that I like the most and that is the most played For lovers of Roblox escape games, it is the one titled 'Escape from the mall'. This is the favorite of the participants, because it is suitable for any type of age and is made by the company 'WolfGamingYT'. This game was founded in the year 2017, and since that date, this world has had more than 70 million visits through its participants.

Collectively, this game has an approval rating of 54%; and this could be, because it puts your adrenaline in a thousand. This is because in this world players must run against other participants. This to be able to escape of the shopping center, where it was secretly closed. Then, you are going to face different impediments, 'jump tracks', 'parkours' and many other difficulties that you will have, with a maximum of 10 other participants.

roblox escapes

Game Rob the Rosin

The next most liked game is the Rob the Rosino Game, which deals with the strategies used by a professional thief. In this game, what the police officers are going to do is try to stop a robbery that is being carried out perfectly. The mission that the player has is to grab the money that is secured in a safe located in the Rosino of 'Las Voblox'.

Later, the thief will have to flee from the police agents, a task for which it will not be easy to do. This is due to you have to master 40 entertaining challenges. Among those we are going to find evading lasers, removing security cameras and fleeing from a gigantic freezer.

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Escape Game Baldi is Basic Parkour

This another best Escape game Baldi is Basic Parkour, was developed by 'LoopFunGameee' in the year 2020. Although it is a relatively new game, so far it has been played by more than 80 million participants and has more than 50% fame.

In this game, what you are going to do is run away from baldi, a formidable fortification with a very dark secret, where you are going to find entertaining inconveniences. Here, you will have to manifest if you are a good player. Because this server does allow 20 players, which you should be aware of those who are faster and more sagacious.

roblox escapes

Flood Escape Game

This latest Flood Escape game created in 2010, has more than 400 million visits, 45 maps and 6 game modes ranging from easy to extreme. In this game your skills will be challenged and you will have the opportunity to show the participants if you really are a good player. This game, each month publishes a list of rankings with the highest evaluations, which will allow you to go to the extreme condition.

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