5 Lies About Artificial Intelligence

Gartner reports have compiled multiple myths and misconceptions about AI.

Gartner's research and consulting company has investigated and managed to publish multiple erroneous arguments about artificial intelligence, exposing various questions about its development in large companies around the world. Being able to enumerate lies about the Artificial Intelligence that they can open our eyes to those of us who have believed the truth and it is not.

Commercial market leaders are in a state of uncertainty regarding the use of IA within their businesses or companies. There is a lot of confusion regarding the collaboration of AI in the organization of work and this causes them to be conditioned by misconceptions that some people have.

What is the wrong data can be summarized in five lies that spearhead all the misinformation that exists regarding artificial intelligence and that can be easily disproved.

Lies about Artificial Intelligence are as follows:

1 "The operation of AI is equal to a Human Brain" AI is considered a computer engineering discipline. Today it is considered a system of software tools dedicated to solving problems. Therefore, unlike the brain which is much more complex, AI is a computer discipline.

2 "You do not need others, these machines collect their knowledge alone." Developing a machine or system with AI requires human intervention. This allows scientists to come from involving data that is human.

3 "AI is free from bias." The content of AI is based on data, information, standards and other human input. This process can significantly reduce selection bias, but not completely eliminate it.

4 "AI will replace only repetitive jobs that do not require degrees." AI allows companies to make sound decisions and also allows them to substitute basic tasks but at the same time increases complex tasks that require greater capacity and skill like human.

5 "Not all companies require AI." All companies are considering the impact that AI is having in the modern age.

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